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Terran Vampires REVIVED


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@WarRatsG i guess i missread something there lol, i don't think i can give any suggestions to the underground power as i can't emagine any vampire that digs a hole in to ground and burry himself, mayb a necromancer type vampire would since hes more attuned with the undead like zombies and skeleton.


It's not exactly that the vampire whips out a shovel and jumps in a hole - he "melds with the earth", although I'm not sure how to explain that particular process. It was a power made by Zorak Ramone; we tend not to question it :confused:

There is a "Meld with water" and a "Meld with Air" power, so it seems kind of appropriate :thumbsup:


I didn't actually know what diablerie was, so I looked it up on google. I'm guessing you are referring to when a vampire drinks the soul of another vampire?

You don't drink the soul, but you eat the heart - which increases your power: you increase your maximum blood supply, gain some Blood Potency to upgrade your powers and your age increases a little.

yes i'm thinking of something like that... maybe more the vampire i eat the heart is more i increase my age

is there goin to b consequences for these actions? mayb like lowers dispositions of other vampires or an effect like lower willpower, intelligence something that complements to canibalisim(not pernament effect mayb short-term or long-term)


Eating Vampire hearts is an illegal short-cut to aging - keeping true to my methods, every advantage must have a disadvantage. If you are found to be consuming the hearts then you will be punished by the council. I should mention they own their own private vampire hunting company to keep a clean house. So that means if you make a dramatic increase in power overnight then someone might notice.

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Eating Vampire hearts is an illegal short-cut to aging - keeping true to my methods, every advantage must have a disadvantage. If you are found to be consuming the hearts then you will be punished by the council. I should mention they own their own private vampire hunting company to keep a clean house. So that means if you make a dramatic increase in power overnight then someone might notice.

A council with their own vampire hunter team....thats awsome!!!! :woot:

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Dam thanks to all this teaser info i cant wait!!!


so hows is it going?


Well an hour ago the project leader had to resign due to personal issues. That leaves just me I think, if we cross out all the people who havent done sh** and all the people who refuse to keep in contact.

If you were helping Urko with something please send me a pm - I didnt get the names of the people he had helping him out.


This does not mean the end of terran vampires. Im going to be completely honest - our deadline was the first of October, in order to give players a month to try it out before skyrim. Things started to look bleak weeks ago, but I believe it is still possible. That is why, at least in the first release, thralls have been dropped and 70% of the planned quests will be scrapped. I have carefully assessed this though and I feel that what has been kept is going to be great.

Dont worry though, most of them are short quests and you will probably see a few new ones every week after release, although we have several larger ones in the pipeline. Thralls will be added, but probably in a later release.


I hope you all understand


Now to explain what we have done: most of what we promised. Blood systems have been reworked and are in place, humanity systems have been invented and are working as intended, the age system has been reworked and there is now a crime and vampire hunter system.

What that means is all the foundations are ready, each one in separate esps. They just have to be added into the real mod.

Once that is done its just small things - clan advantages and disadvantages, AI, dialogue, some quests. Nothing difficult, just extremely time consuming.


Its safe to say, im now aiming a little further than our deadline.

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Eating Vampire hearts is an illegal short-cut to aging - keeping true to my methods, every advantage must have a disadvantage. If you are found to be consuming the hearts then you will be punished by the council. I should mention they own their own private vampire hunting company to keep a clean house. So that means if you make a dramatic increase in power overnight then someone might notice.



the dialerie of VTM make increase of power only if the vampire souls u drink is higher age than you, it's forbidden and the punishment for a known diablerist is final death. however committing diablerie results in an automatic decrease in humanity.



for the date releasing i don't mind if u make it before or after skyrim becouse i wait good mod before to try it... so i will play oblivion for a long time

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im srry to hear that Urko had to resign, im sure he had good reason for it :(

for the date releasing i don't mind if u make it before or after skyrim becouse i wait good mod before to try it... so i will play oblivion for a long time

same here!! i wana try this mod most of all when its 100% complete before i go on to skyrim :D plus i doubt ima buy skyrim for $60 right away

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im srry to hear that Urko had to resign, im sure he had good reason for it :(

for the date releasing i don't mind if u make it before or after skyrim becouse i wait good mod before to try it... so i will play oblivion for a long time

same here!! i wana try this mod most of all when its 100% complete before i go on to skyrim :D plus i doubt ima buy skyrim for $60 right away


Think of it this way - I make the first release sometime soon, with most of the content missing. Then I make 2.1 maybe a week or two later with many more quests, thralls and bug fixes (if there are any :s) and from there keep adding in additional content.


Then after skyrim comes out I wont be making anything huge - little quests, extra bits and pieces. Maybe you will see some of my work in skyrim a month before TES6 :D

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wut i ment is this mod is too promising to just forget about n start on skyrim lol ima support this mod till its done :yes:

btw i havent heard of any modding plans in skyrim its kinda confusing me like there is goin to b moddin avalable right?

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And yes, skyrim will have what it calls the "Creation Kit" as its CS. Modding will be pretty much the same, maybe even easier than before. Sadly for me, it has not come to xbox yet :(

ok well hopefully theyll have something for u on the xbox :smile:

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