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Terran Vampires REVIVED


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i read all presentation in the tesalliance page and i some features i like a lot:


- the different type of vampire hunter is very good so it's not boring to fight same enemy each time


- the power u made like the transform into a swarm of bats or into air etc.


well i hope that when u release this version in the readme u make a table with all the ability for each clan so i can choose my clan knowing the power i will learn.



an idea for a future update: making a faction/clan of indipendent vampire where the hierarchy is not decided by the real age of a vampire but by the strong of each vampire so a young vampire can become leader of the clan if he eat the hearth of a lot of older vampires and become the strongest of the clan.

and this clan is targeting not only by vampire hunter by the vampire council too and maybe it's possible to join this clan after joining other terran clan obviously losing the membership of the old clan

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an idea for a future update: making a faction/clan of indipendent vampire where the hierarchy is not decided by the real age of a vampire but by the strong of each vampire so a young vampire can become leader of the clan if he eat the hearth of a lot of older vampires and become the strongest of the clan.

and this clan is targeting not only by vampire hunter by the vampire council too and maybe it's possible to join this clan after joining other terran clan obviously losing the membership of the old clan

that gives me an idea mayb at a certain point into the game theyll b a quest or something where u can b removed from a clan and become a neutral terran vampire which will remove all ur clan advatages and weeknesses obviously and the disposition of all the clans would b close to the same, youll still b able to do the quest from the council but cant do side quest from the clans but have access to some of their basic resources that otherwise wouldnt b accessable to different clan members...something on that line

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Im glad you liked the thread. :)

There will be a description of the various clans and their powers, however I would like to point out that all vampires will have access to all powers, some faster than others.


Yeah Im hoping that someday there will be an large quest line. I have a few ideas as to how it should go, but its not a priority.

Someday maybe :)


Good news for a change: Skyliner390, the author of the third version of BIE, has joined the project :)

Edited by WarRatsG
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for a big quest line there is no hurry... i can wait...

i see that all vampire can have all power sooner or later but i think that for example necromancer clan have skill or power secret that only if u join that clan u can know it..

i'm glad that Skyliner390 join ur party so u can have some help to complete this great project..


however how big will be the mod at release?

Edited by davi22pd
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Size in terms of gameplay or file size?


For file size, we have over 1GB of resources available, which we hope to trim down as far as possible. Hopefully 300MB at most.


In terms of gameplay it will contain much more than the original. In the original only 2 havens were available, in this we have created ALL havens. Age, crime, vampire hunters and such are all included too.

There will be quests to earn your vampirism, plus perhaps one or two extra. Quests will be added through updates.

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so for become a terran vampire i have to do a quest which mean i can become terran vampire and vanilla vampire too and have the power from both




If I were to make it all done through porphyric haemophilia then there would be no chance of compatibility with almost any other vampire mod. Creating my own path to vampirism allows me to control when, where, why, how and what will happen.

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If I were to make it all done through porphyric haemophilia then there would be no chance of compatibility with almost any other vampire mod. Creating my own path to vampirism allows me to control when, where, why, how and what will happen.


I understand that but i'm thinking, don't know anything of script, the possibility of double vampire in one character don't make conflict between the two types of vampire such as when u feed or the different age.

it's not easier that when u become a terran vampire u are immune to vanilla vampirism?

Edited by davi22pd
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I understand that but i'm thinking, don't know anything of script, the possibility of double vampire in one character don't make conflict between the two types of vampire such as when u feed or the different age.

it's not easier that when u become a terran vampire u are immune to vanilla vampirism?


That is the one major problem with more than one vampire overhaul. You can be hungry in one and not hungry in the other. Thats something that is near impossible to avoid.


And I dont think its possible to become immune to porphyric haemophillia. Im not sure :/

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