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Terran Vampires REVIVED


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With the patch, being a Terran Vampire will act as a cure for Vanilla Vampirism and prevent it from ever being caught again.


i understand that but i'm asking if my char is a terran vampire it will considered a vampire by npc or a normal pg?


however great screen and i'm courious to try the quest with the ghost :)

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I'm asking if my char is a terran vampire it will considered a vampire by npc or a normal pg?


Oh I understand.

Cyrodiil vampires will be hostile to Terran Vampires. Terran Vampires from the Council will not attack another Council Vampire, however Renegade Terran Vampires have no qualms about killing their brethren.

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I'm asking if my char is a terran vampire it will considered a vampire by npc or a normal pg?


Oh I understand.

Cyrodiil vampires will be hostile to Terran Vampires. Terran Vampires from the Council will not attack another Council Vampire, however Renegade Terran Vampires have no qualms about killing their brethren.


and for exemple a common people i found in IC or a guard know that i'm a terran vampire?

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Oh I understand.

Cyrodiil vampires will be hostile to Terran Vampires. Terran Vampires from the Council will not attack another Council Vampire, however Renegade Terran Vampires have no qualms about killing their brethren.


and for exemple a common people i found in IC or a guard know that i'm a terran vampire?


Not unless you are a wraith or have low humanity, however anyone can hide their identity with the first level of Shroud of Illusion.

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Hi all %)


Regent disadvantages.

I agreed with guys, which suggest to limit bloodsource for Regents (not able to fed on beggars)


Meld with the earth - I think, that this should be clan-specific ability for one, maximum two clans.



I don't sure that using coffins as transportable havens is a good idea.

I think, that there should be a chance, that somebody (sapient or not) will find you sleeping in a coffin and try to open the coffin during daylight.


Wanna safe? Sleep in townroom, or occupy fort/cave. But not place coffin in the middle of Imperial Road.

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"Etheral Summoning" - Replace it with a new self-casting spell "Etheral Presence", which will apply the ethereal (Night Mother) shader, allow you to resist normal weapons for 100% (but be completely vulnerable to silver, deadric, and enchanted items, as well as magic, so it's not too powerful) and (if you want) disable collision so you can walk through units (not sure if you can exclude walls from such an ability). So basically, normal weapons go through you without harming you, and you can walk through units (again, not walls, as that would be entirely unbalancing).



At higher levels, all of you opponents will use either enchanted, or daedric/silver items, or magic.

So - what the sense of making your hero vulnerable to them?

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And one more thing.

The most disappointment thing in games (especially rpg) - is unusable skills.

If effect of skill could be achieved other ways, and could be acheived easier - this skill is just a worthless crap.


For example - in original Terran vampires, Barons had ability to summon "shadow weapon" - or so

But, for all saints sake - this weapon had worse stats that artifact or enchanted weapon.

So - why I should use this ablility?

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