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Terran Vampires REVIVED


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Thanks for all your good wishes :)


Now for what really matters - release date. One has not been made because even I dont know when it will be finished. I have a rough idea, but to avoid further disappointment, both for you and me, nothing is explicitly confirmed.

I still believe we can make Skyrim, if thats any consolation :)

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any news?? :D


Well I healed up very quickly and can walk properly again :D

But I realise that's not what you mean... :wink:


Terran Vampires is so close to being real that it's unreal. I know I have said that for a month now, but please bear with me for just a little longer. I am working my hardest to round it up as soon as possible.


Terran Vampires recently received a professional touch from SkylineR390, maker of the third version of BIE. The changes he makes are small, but very potent and very noticeable (at least for the scripters out there). His expertise has shaved lots of time from the release date, which we all can relate to :)


Hopefully that answers your question. :thumbsup:

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I'm glad to hear you're well again :). And I can't wait to play this! I've been waiting for it to be finished since the original was released lmao, and now thanks to you and everyone else who's worked so hard on it it's nearly done :D. So thank you in advance lol.
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ik its rly late to suggest armors/clothes but i didnt know there was a separate mod for this one its reapers hgec dread sorceress armor i loved it in the dark tower mod i was unaware reaper had a separate mod for it so i didnt suggested it srry if u have the time check it out its probly one of my favs :smile: minus the hood lol


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