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Terran Vampires REVIVED


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Im not going to lie, with skyrim out on friday I can no longer promise a release before then.


This isnt the end, and it does not mean I will work any slower. My top priority is still to give you at least an appetizer version as soon as possible, then build on it. If you plan on leaving oblivion forever then fair enough, maybe you should look into something else to keep you busy until Skyrim.


Otherwise, my goals have not changed. I will not be relaxing my rate of work. I will keep adding to and developing the mod through updates until I can present you with a masterpiece.

Edited by WarRatsG
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Probably wont be playing it on its release then, but I certainly will play it. I doubt if anyone was TRULY interested in the mod before its release that they would abstain it entirely because it didn't get out before Skyrim.
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Thanks everyone for your reassurance. It means a lot to me.


In other news I start my exams next week. It shouldnt impact my work rate too much - I have a habit of walking through exams with no effort on my part. ;)

Here's hoping that all the dropped revision time is worth it :L

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