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Terran Vampires REVIVED


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Oh, Yeah, I play the original.


I have an additional question regarding the original mod.



How is it intended to advance a generation? I know the manual says "hard work", that's a little unspecific.


I already tried to slay several older vampires ( lady dracul/ a guard captain, the prince) but neither of them dropped the bloody hard and the named characters all just went unconcious.


15 BP is just too les to RP with. :(

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How is it intended to advance a generation? I know the manual says "hard work", that's a little unspecific.


I already tried to slay several older vampires ( lady dracul/ a guard captain, the prince) but neither of them dropped the bloody hard and the named characters all just went unconcious.


15 BP is just too les to RP with. :(


Every day, you will age at a rate that you can specify. So you can reach age 5 in 3 days, or 1000 days. Your "age" is synonymous with your maximum Blood Power, so once your Blood Power increases above a certain level then your powers increase.

Vampire hearts still make an appearance, which you can eat to increase your age a few days more, the number depending on the strength of the vampire. It's basically Diablerie (dont know if I spelled that right), for VTM fans out there ;)


Also, the blood power system is overhauled drastically. There is no "feed every x hours" rule; being well fed today means you might not need to feed tomorrow - but where's the fun in that? :devil:

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I haven't decided how to specify age rate, to be honest.


It's one of two things:

- a messagebox system in-game, where you equip a misc item and you configure some stuff.

- an INI file, where you replace numbers in a notepad file to achieve the effect you want.


I'm leaning towards messagebox system. ;)



And as a dev for the project, the least I can do is explain how it works ;D



EDIT:: The "Blood Power increasing every day" is part of the new system, not the old one. In the old one, a dead vampire should catch fire and carry a vampire heart.

Edited by WarRatsG
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How long left, I'm literraly jumping up and down for this its gonna be so awesome!


Edit: Are you the only person working on this project?


Im making no more promises about release dates because yes, I am the only one working on this project now.

To start with it was me and Urko, then we had some volunteers offering to help, but only one volunteer actually did what we asked. then Urko had to leave, which means I am the only one working on it now. SkylineR390 worked with me for a while, but had to leave as well.


So, that leave me :)

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