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Terran Vampires REVIVED


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How long left, I'm literraly jumping up and down for this its gonna be so awesome!


Edit: Are you the only person working on this project?


Im making no more promises about release dates because yes, I am the only one working on this project now.

To start with it was me and Urko, then we had some volunteers offering to help, but only one volunteer actually did what we asked. then Urko had to leave, which means I am the only one working on it now. SkylineR390 worked with me for a while, but had to leave as well.


So, that leave me :)

You deserve a prize and standing ovations!

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The thread's been silent for a while, so here are some mod statistics you may like...


- Like Zorak's original version, there are nine playable clans with one extra clan that cannot be joined.


- There are 16 schools of blood magic in this version compared to the 14 available in the old version.

- Several schools have been reworked to be more useful.

- With 5 levels in each school, this means well over 80 powers are available - and that is not considering the basic vampire abilities or levels that give two powers.

- At least 25 new spells have been added.

- The combined cost of all powers will be around 920 Blood Potency.


- There is well over 10,000 lines of script.


- The number of accessible cells has tripled.


- There are twice as many NPCs to talk to.


- There are 50 loading screens to teach you various facts about blood, vampire mythology and the mod.

- For example, did you know that in ancient vampire mythology a vampire could not enter a home without the owner's permission?


- We are the third team to work on Terran Vampires.


- The combined data Zorak's Terran Vampires weighs in at around 150MB, the esp being 2306kb. As of now, our own release is at around 700MB, the esp being 3191kb.

- That is a 50% increase in the total amount of data added to the esp, but does not do justice to the amount of data changed.

- If you are concerned about download times, fear not - the packed size of the original was only 1.3MB, and the current release should be between 10%-20% of it's unpacked size.


If I can think of anything else, I will add it. ;)

Edited by WarRatsG
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Sweet, the more I hear about this mod the more excited I get :thumbsup: . One question though. Are you implementing the not being able to go into a house uninvited thing in the mod? I know it's traditional vampire lore, but it would make thief or assassin characters nigh on impossible to play. Just curious lol. Hope to be able to play soon!
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The thread's been silent for a while, so here are some mod statistics you may like...


- Like Zorak's original version, there are nine playable clans with one extra clan that cannot be joined.


- There are 16 schools of blood magic in this version compared to the 14 available in the old version.

- With 5 levels in each school, this means well over 80 powers are available - and that is not considering the basic vampire abilities or levels that give two powers.

- At least 25 new spells have been added.


- There is well over 10,000 lines of script.


- The number of accessible cells has tripled.


- There are twice as many NPCs to talk to.


- There are 50 loading screens to teach you various facts about blood, vampires and the mod.

- For example, did you know that a vampire could not enter a home without the owner's permission?


- We are the third team to work on Terran Vampires.


- The combined data Zorak's Terran Vampires weighs in at around 150MB, the esp being 2306kb. As of now, our own release is at around 700MB, the esp being 3191kb.

- That is a 50% increase in the total amount of data added to the esp, but does not do justice to the amount of data changed.

- If you are concerned about download times, fear not - the packed size of the original was only 1.3MB, and the current release should be between 10%-20% of it's unpacked size.


If I can think of anything else, I will add it. ;)


Thank You!


- For example, did you know that a vampire could not enter a home without the owner's permission?

lol, sounds like Mephistopheles^^


Even though that might be a problem for members of the Thieves guild, but it's not like we haven't played that faction's quests a thousand times already, anyways

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I think you misunderstand what I was trying to put across with the loading screen fact.


It is not what will be in the mod - it is just an element of vampire mythology. Like "all vampires are obsessed with numbers", or "a common way of killing a vampire was shoving a brick in their mouths".


Long story short, you can still break into someones house to steal or feed ;)


Think of it as a trick - people wont buy expensive locks if they think vampires wont come in anyway, and if one does come in then people will think that its the victims fault for letting one in their house :)

Edited by WarRatsG
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great update news! one thing i can learn all power or if i choose one blood school i can't learn the power of the other school?

i think it depends on which faction you join


I think you misunderstand what I was trying to put across with the loading screen fact.


It is not what will be in the mod - it is just an element of vampire mythology. Like "all vampires are obsessed with numbers", or "a common way of killing a vampire was shoving a brick in their mouths".


Long story short, you can still break into someones house to steal or feed ;)


Think of it as a trick - people wont buy expensive locks if they think vampires wont come in anyway, and if one does come in then people will think that its the victims fault for letting one in their house :)

ahhh, ok^^

Edited by JinKanzaki
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great update news! one thing i can learn all power or if i choose one blood school i can't learn the power of the other school?


You can learn each and every power.


There is a slight change to how this is done though. Instead of all five levels of every school being available from the start, one level becomes available for upgrade every time you age.

Your choice of clan affects your starting powers, which will automatically increase for free when you age. Every clan has access to 3 powers, so your choice of clan may also give you access to powers above your level. For example a Connoisseur specializes in both Mental Domination and Psychic Radiance - 2 levels of Mental Domination and 1 level of Psychic Radiance - so an age 2 Connoisseur will know the 3rd level of Mental Domination and the 2nd level of Psychic Radiance for free.


There are a few exceptions to this rule. For example an Arcanist specializes in Elemental Blood Magic, however because it is not a "natural" skill it will not automatically update. Because it is still a specialization, Arcanists will learn this skill at a much cheaper cost though.


I find that this makes your choice of clan far more personal and interesting :)

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