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Terran Vampires REVIVED


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I like the disadvantage for the Regents.. I think being unable to feed on beggars and such is a good idea, and getting sick if they do. I think a good advantage for The Regents could be able to make money or whatever was needed easier, better able to talk to people... something with mercantile, I don't know maybe easier for them to get blood and such. There are quite a few possibilities. For Recluses I like what you already have.


I think I'll add the noble blood disadvantage for Regents, seen as a few people like the look of it.


I didn't mean that they could only feed from the rulers of the city, because that would make it too difficult. But having to return to town each feeding and not feed on bandits, plus having to sneak into a house or charm its owner in order to feed I think would add a little variety and challenge without being too hard. Maybe another advantage though could be allowing the Regents to create gold from their blood, for large amounts of course. That would fit in as well with them being of (or at least thinking they are) of the vampire "royal caste."


I know :)

Although feeding on bandits is quite an important part of retaining humanity. Plus, warriors and criminals are still a step up from beggars ;)


Gold from blood? I could use that in real life ;D


Thank you, I was quite proud of that idea lol :biggrin:


You should be, it's pretty good.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but this mod sounds like it's going to be a vastly improved version of Blood is Everything, if so, then cheers to you guys


It sounds like this will be one of the few truly worthwhile vampire mods out there


If I remember correctly, you recently made a shining review of BIE. I guess that means you like the look of this :)


You may also like to know the Skyline390, maker of the third version of BIE (after Nomad Dervish and Traven) briefly took part in this project. The Blood system is kind of like BIE (as in a slowly decreasing number) and humanity also acts a little bit like a waste rate, but also influences much more. There is also 10x as many powers and there's a little more substance, as in people and places :)

Edited by WarRatsG
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"Although feeding on bandits is quite an important part of retaining humanity. Plus, warriors and criminals are still a step up from beggars ;)"


That's true, I didn't think of it like that lol.


"Gold from blood? I could use that in real life ;D"


I know right lol?

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If I remember correctly, you recently made a shining review of BIE. I guess that means you like the look of this :)


You may also like to know the Skyline390, maker of the third version of BIE (after Nomad Dervish and Traven) briefly took part in this project. The Blood system is kind of like BIE (as in a slowly decreasing number) and humanity also acts a little bit like a waste rate, but also influences much more. There is also 10x as many powers and there's a little more substance, as in people and places :)


Sounds great, can't wait to see the finished product

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Sounds great, can't wait to see the finished product


Me neither, it's been in the making for some time now.


"Although feeding on bandits is quite an important part of retaining humanity. Plus, warriors and criminals are still a step up from beggars ;)"


That's true, I didn't think of it like that lol.


Which reminds me, I can't decide whether humanity should factor into how much damage is done through feeding in combat.

Right now, I'm leaning towards leaving humanity out of it, seen as human vampires already have enough problems getting blood.



Another question for you all: will you be a human or inhuman vampire? Just based on the concept, not the stats.


For those who don't know the stats, human vampires aren't able to feed as much at the start of the game, but as they age their thirst becomes much slower. Inhuman vampires get plenty of blood at the start, but as the game continues their thirst becomes massive and they get chased off of vampire hunters.

Basically, inhuman vampires have an easy start and a hard endgame, while human vampires have a hard time to start with and a much easier endgame.

Edited by WarRatsG
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Sounds great, can't wait to see the finished product


Me neither, it's been in the making for some time now.


"Although feeding on bandits is quite an important part of retaining humanity. Plus, warriors and criminals are still a step up from beggars ;)"


That's true, I didn't think of it like that lol.


Which reminds me, I can't decide whether humanity should factor into how much damage is done through feeding in combat.

Right now, I'm leaning towards leaving humanity out of it, seen as human vampires already have enough problems getting blood.



Another question for you all: will you be a human or inhuman vampire? Just based on the concept, not the stats.


For those who don't know the stats, human vampires aren't able to feed as much at the start of the game, but as they age their thirst becomes much slower. Inhuman vampires get plenty of blood at the start, but as the game continues their thirst becomes massive and they get chased off of vampire hunters.

Basically, inhuman vampires have an easy start and a hard endgame, while human vampires have a hard time to start with and a much easier endgame.

The original vampire was a master of deceit, charm in human disguise, so i'd go with the human kind of vampire.

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Sounds great, can't wait to see the finished product


Me neither, it's been in the making for some time now.


"Although feeding on bandits is quite an important part of retaining humanity. Plus, warriors and criminals are still a step up from beggars ;)"


That's true, I didn't think of it like that lol.


Which reminds me, I can't decide whether humanity should factor into how much damage is done through feeding in combat.

Right now, I'm leaning towards leaving humanity out of it, seen as human vampires already have enough problems getting blood.



Another question for you all: will you be a human or inhuman vampire? Just based on the concept, not the stats.


For those who don't know the stats, human vampires aren't able to feed as much at the start of the game, but as they age their thirst becomes much slower. Inhuman vampires get plenty of blood at the start, but as the game continues their thirst becomes massive and they get chased off of vampire hunters.

Basically, inhuman vampires have an easy start and a hard endgame, while human vampires have a hard time to start with and a much easier endgame.


I think I'll prolly have a save game of an inhuman Protiva or Recluse, and then another human version of the opposite lol.


The original vampire was a master of deceit, charm in human disguise, so i'd go with the human kind of vampire.


The original vampire was actually more akin to our modern zombies, it was only around the time of Bram Stoker's Dracula that the romanticized vampire came to be.

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The original vampire was actually more akin to our modern zombies, it was only around the time of Bram Stoker's Dracula that the romanticized vampire came to be.

Well the first vampire as we know them today was the one Bram Stoker based his story on, Vlad the Impaler.

Vlad III, Prince of Wallachia was known by his enemies for he's brutality. He was a master of psychological warfare and put up the impaled dead enemies at the boarders to kepp more from coming.


Also he had a blood illness, i'm not sure if it was tuberculosis, i actually think it was smth else. Anyways, to prevent the illness from progressing his "physician" told him to drink blood, of course he didn't drink human blood but pig blut, though.

And that's what made the stories arise.



Even if there have already been similar beings before, the original real Vampire was not just some kind of zombie.


i'm just saying^^


And no, i'm not a vampire fanboy if you can prove me wrong i will at least learn smth new :wink:

Edited by JinKanzaki
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To settle zombie-vampire debates, the first vampire was described as a "shapeless bag of Blood". Sounds vaguely zombie-ish to me ;)


Then along came bram Stoker with Dracula, who may or may not have been based on Vlad the impaler (whos father was called Vlad Dracul) and made them a little more sophisticated.


Then came Stephenie Meyer who turned them into sparkly vegetarians.





BIE gave you the ability to forcefully grab and feed upon someone, but the animation was...well, derpy


Any intentions to make that sort of thing look better?


The movement is much faster than BIE, and the first person camera moves with the players head when they bite.


I don't really know how to make animations, so I don't know how to improve this :\

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