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Terran Vampires REVIVED


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Well i remeber to have read that the original vampire was mucht like a zombie that needed to return to his/her coffin before the sun came.


i think that i would have been a inhuman vampire that would kill without remorse an everytime i like.

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Hey everyone,


Sorry I have not been active on here. I am currently at my sisters. Skyrim just came in today so it is at home, my future brother n law got it. I believe I will continue to refrain from it though because I am so eager to play this mod. Hope all is going well and still am greatly anticipating.

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Hey everyone,


Sorry I have not been active on here. I am currently at my sisters. Skyrim just came in today so it is at home, my future brother n law got it. I believe I will continue to refrain from it though because I am so eager to play this mod. Hope all is going well and still am greatly anticipating.


I'm not going to keep you back from it. In fact, I would encourage you to try it out - I hear the Skyrim vampires are even worse than Oblivion vampires ;D


Even so, I don't even want to keep you back from it. Might make you hate me even more if I fail to impress :ohdear:

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Hey everyone,


Sorry I have not been active on here. I am currently at my sisters. Skyrim just came in today so it is at home, my future brother n law got it. I believe I will continue to refrain from it though because I am so eager to play this mod. Hope all is going well and still am greatly anticipating.


I'm not going to keep you back from it. In fact, I would encourage you to try it out - I hear the Skyrim vampires are even worse than Oblivion vampires ;D


yes they are -.-

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Seen as it's almost Christmas, I thought I would share the one vampire joke related to Christmas that I know:


What happens if you cross a vampire with a snowman?



Personally, it's the worst joke I've ever heard. ;)


With the working only an hour a day, what matters is that it gets finish eventually, I can wait for this great mod :thumbsup:

I find it funny just how much I underestimated this project. How I ever thought I could complete this in 3 months is beyond me.


Manual is 40 pages now :)



I just had an idea for some clan abilities of the Protiva. They may already be implemented or you just don't want them, but here they are. Since the Protiva are supposed to be based off of the animalistic Gangrels, maybe you could increase their already super vampire senses by giving them a more potent detect life ability. And maybe with the magic of the script extender you can even allow Protiva to "mark" a character's scent so that they can be tracked either through the map or, for extra challenge and realism, overland. Just an idea lol.


You aren't far off when you call OBSE "magic" ;)


Don't know much about Gangrels (never played VTM), but I think your probably right. Right now their bonus is that they can learn Nature Blood Magic for free (usually Blood Magic is never free, even when it's a speciality). This may not seem like much, but it saves 75 Blood Potency and gives them access to possibly some of the most useful powers available at a very young age.

Still, a heightened sense of smell is simple enough to implement. Maybe it can get developed well enough to replace the current advantage :)


I like the free nature magic perk too lol, but I'm sure whatever you choose will be amazing :thumbsup:. No matter what they're still my favorites lol, so I'll be most likely to play them no matter which perk ends up being final.

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I hear the Skyrim vampires are even worse than Oblivion vampires ;D

yes they are -.-


That bad hm? :huh:

I think Bethesda have just given up on it - they know us modders will do a better job than they will 8)


Seriously, if I had a pc that could handle Skyrim I would probably be making vampirism actually worth having. It's one thing to add a few stats, but us modders give depth. Seriously, the next TES game will probably be a few years - think how big Terran Vampires in Skyrim would be :biggrin:


Still, a heightened sense of smell is simple enough to implement. Maybe it can get developed well enough to replace the current advantage :)

I like the free nature magic perk too lol, but I'm sure whatever you choose will be amazing :thumbsup:. No matter what they're still my favorites lol, so I'll be most likely to play them no matter which perk ends up being final.


I'm not saying heightened sense of smell is being chucked, I'm saying that as of now it is a little under developed. A cheap deal on powers is slightly better than seeing 10 ft further with detect life, however heightened senses could be implemented in many ways. If it does get developed, then it could easily replace a cheap deal on powers.

Edited by WarRatsG
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That bad hm? :huh:

I think Bethesda have just given up on it - they know us modders will do a better job than they will 8)


Seriously, if I had a pc that could handle Skyrim I would probably be making vampirism actually worth having. It's one thing to add a few stats, but us modders give depth. Seriously, the next TES game will probably be a few years - think how big Terran Vampires in Skyrim would be :biggrin:


Well since the next TES probly wont come out in a few years u have any plans on making terran vampires for Skyrim?

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I hear the Skyrim vampires are even worse than Oblivion vampires ;D

yes they are -.-


That bad hm? :huh:

I think Bethesda have just given up on it - they know us modders will do a better job than they will 8)


Seriously, if I had a pc that could handle Skyrim I would probably be making vampirism actually worth having. It's one thing to add a few stats, but us modders give depth. Seriously, the next TES game will probably be a few years - think how big Terran Vampires in Skyrim would be :biggrin:


Still, a heightened sense of smell is simple enough to implement. Maybe it can get developed well enough to replace the current advantage :)

I like the free nature magic perk too lol, but I'm sure whatever you choose will be amazing :thumbsup:. No matter what they're still my favorites lol, so I'll be most likely to play them no matter which perk ends up being final.


I'm not saying heightened sense of smell is being chucked, I'm saying that as of now it is a little under developed. A cheap deal on powers is slightly better than seeing 10 ft further with detect life, however heightened senses could be implemented in many ways. If it does get developed, then it could easily replace a cheap deal on powers.


Yeah, I think they kinda gave up with vampirism in Skyrim and just threw some stuff in there and called it a vampire lol. And I'm in the same boat about not having a computer powerful enough for it, so don't feel bad.


I'll keep brainstorming about the smell thing lol, but I'm not sure how to implement it in a way that wouldn't either just copy detect life or the psychic powers other clans specialize in or be of no use. Other than the tracking thing that is lol, and other than a few exceptions (like making a Protiva quest with it required :wink:) that's only really useful for role playing and immersion.

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I like the heightened senses to. When you compare protiva to gangrel I can't help but think of the shapeshifting, the hands able turned to claws, earth meld, mist and all. :) I doubt i'll be disappointed. Besides i'm not too excited about seeig badly done vampires in Skyrim.
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