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Terran Vampires REVIVED


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Wow, it's quiet here. Maybe there is even less publicity than I thought.

I think it's time for another question :)



As of now, I am unsure what kind of advantage to give the Arcanist clan. Here's the description from the manual:





The Arcanists are the most magically oriented of the vampire clans, and are the self proclaimed masters of Blood Magic. They pioneered (or at least claimed to have pioneered) many of the schools of Blood Magic. Their power and (intentional) insularity generally make other vampires wary if not suspicious of them. The Recluses, the other magically oriented clan, outright hate the Arcanists for reasons the Arcanists claim are based more in jealously than in fact.

The clan’s structure is highly regimented and controlled. For example, turning people without the approval of the Council of Elders is forbidden to all vampires, but the penalties levied by the Arcanists upon their own for this crime (sharing their blood with one who is unapproved) can be especially severe. The place and station of each Arcanist is strictly controlled, and advancement is difficult. Those who seek to break free of the clan’s hierarchy are hunted down and killed, without exception.

On Earth, the lack of human wizards and magic made these vampires particularly powerful and influential within vampire and human society. The omni-presence of magic in Tamriel has changed the equation. The finding that Tamrielites who are turned retain their magical powers has had some openly wondering whether the Arcanists are all that important anymore.



Elemental Blood Magic (1)

Magicka from Blood (1)

Vampyric Focus (1) <<<Formerly Vampyric Will



Clan Advantage

<Don't know, suggestions?>

Clan Disadvantage

Their bloodline is built around the intellectual and arcane. As such, their blood-type weakens their physical abilities.


Implementation: Athletics, strength, blade, blunt and hand-to-hand skills are reduced by your level times 5, but no stat will go any lower than 20.




I'm eager to hear suggestions :)

Edited by WarRatsG
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Wow, it's quiet here. Maybe there is even less publicity than I thought.

I think it's time for another question :)



As of now, I am unsure what kind of advantage to give the Arcanist clan. Here's the description from the manual:





The Arcanists are the most magically oriented of the vampire clans, and are the self proclaimed masters of Blood Magic. They pioneered (or at least claimed to have pioneered) many of the schools of Blood Magic. Their power and (intentional) insularity generally make other vampires wary if not suspicious of them. The Recluses, the other magically oriented clan, outright hate the Arcanists for reasons the Arcanists claim are based more in jealously than in fact.

The clan’s structure is highly regimented and controlled. For example, turning people without the approval of the Council of Elders is forbidden to all vampires, but the penalties levied by the Arcanists upon their own for this crime (sharing their blood with one who is unapproved) can be especially severe. The place and station of each Arcanist is strictly controlled, and advancement is difficult. Those who seek to break free of the clan’s hierarchy are hunted down and killed, without exception.

On Earth, the lack of human wizards and magic made these vampires particularly powerful and influential within vampire and human society. The omni-presence of magic in Tamriel has changed the equation. The finding that Tamrielites who are turned retain their magical powers has had some openly wondering whether the Arcanists are all that important anymore.



Elemental Blood Magic (1)

Magicka from Blood (1)

Vampyric Focus (1) <<<Formerly Vampyric Will



Clan Advantage

<Don't know, suggestions?>

Clan Disadvantage

Their bloodline is built around the intellectual and arcane. As such, their blood-type weakens their physical abilities.


Implementation: Athletics, strength, blade, blunt and hand-to-hand skills are reduced by your level times 5, but no stat will go any lower than 20.




I'm eager to hear suggestions :)

I'd say,



3 strong Greater Powers (aka usable once per day)

-Fire (target)

-Ice (touch)

Lighting (target)

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How bout a greater power that greatly increases magicka regeneration?

YEAH! that would be best i think but not as greater power but as constant effect maybe.


Hmm, to offset such a big disadvantage, maybe you could give them a permanent magical "force field" that either deflects/reflects damage or just makes them harder to hit in the first place.

doesn't that kind of miss the point of being more vulnerable?

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I can see where the suggestions are going - give the clan more magical proficiency.

It's given me an idea. How about all Elemental Blood Magic is free of charge? No cost in Blood Power, plus it lets them use pretty powerful magic, that gets better with age.


It might need balancing - the first level does 45 damage ;D


How does that sound? Maybe not completely free, maybe less damage... maybe not at all ;D


It's worth knowing that in order to actually be an Arcanist you must be have access to the Arcane University (unless you drink the quick-start potion, although the Arcanist haven is below the Arcane University).


And for the record, I think I may reduce the harsh penalties they suffer ;D

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I m new to the forums but i have to say i am very glad to see all this, I LOVE Vampires and most of the time try to find a way to be one. After reading most of the post here i am looking forward to seeing this in Skyrim.


since i did not read all the post this may have been added but an idea that i had was to make it that a NPC that you feed on has a chance to be changed into a vampire also.


since i don't know how to script or do graphics I may not be a lot of help here but I would love to be a mod tester if you need one.


Thank you


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