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Terran Vampires REVIVED


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How is it going with the other pictures you wanted to put up? How is everything going in general?


For some reason my quota wont reset. It used to reset after a few hours, but I have now been waiting for days. Typical :/


On the bright side, we may have 2 new developers joining up very soon. Both have expressed an interest in joining up, so its just a matter of details and formalities from here (hopefully). :)

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Hey everyone, War told me I should introduce myself on the forums. I'll admit my modding isnt great on scripting or textures but I am good with AI's, NPC creation, dialogue realism and such. Anyway, I'm glad to join and ill do my best to make this as suitable to your liking (At War's discretion) as I can. :ninja:


Also I gave up on my mod to work on this mod, seeing as we both have the same vision. :sweat:


So War, I'm liking the ideas we have and as for rogue vampires. I am curious about how theyll know about when and how to hide from sunlight. (Yes I know its AI.) So when the time comes I'd like to work on a single "Rogue Vampire" :geek: Test mod to see how i can control them more, but be random about it. (Except Elders as youve clearly mentioned) I think the Elders are going to be easier seeing as how they don't attack as much and normally return to their Council Chambers. (Or wherever the time of day bids) So if you you would allow I'd like to work on "Unique" AI Packages so itll be different for every Vampire/Vampire Clan. Whichever we have time for. :cool:



Edit: Just Read Further I Understand Rogues Now Better... But If I'm Able Can I Make Rogues Wonder Outside There Caves At Night (7pm to 4Am) And Return To A Safe Haven..I Can Make Sure They Don't "Wonder" Off Or Fight Potiential Quest Givers (For This Ill Give Them A Special Faction. (Vampire Roamers Ect)

Edited by Troy649
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Sweet good luck with that troy :thumbsup: I think its a great idea; it be very boring if the only way u can meet vampires or fight them is to go to their lairs or havens and not in the wild or anywhere else...even at night -.-
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New question for you all :)


I plan to make the mod as modular as possible. By that, I mean the player can configure several settings. Hopefully it will allow you, the player, to fine-tune the difficulty of the mod if I get it wrong. Most importantly though, it will give replay value. If not, then maybe it will add a personal touch to your experience. Can't be bothered playing for a full game year to reach the top level? Crank up the ageing process. Your blood is low and there's no meals around? Give yourself a small window, or disable lethal starvation all together.


The question is... what would you want to change?

Here are some examples of settings that can be changed just now...


- Enable/Disable Vampire hunters

- Modify Rate of Ageing (default = +5 Maximum Blood Power per day)

- Enable/Disable 0 Blood Power causes death

- Modify Time taken to die from 0 Blood Power (if enabled) (default = 0 seconds, instant death)




Here are some suggestions for further modifications...


- Modify Maximum Blood burnt by the Sun (default = x5) <<< Keep in mind that this is only the maximum, ie when the sun is at it's highest and brightest.

- Modify Total Blood Power in a human. (default = 100) <<< Since every human has nearly the same amount of blood in their system

- Modify Baseline Blood burn rate (default = 2)

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Maybe you could give the option to change the color of the vision tint when using a vampire's night vision? I know there are several stand alone mods that do this for vanilla vampires or the night eye spell itself, but it'd be nice to have one specifically for Terrans. I'll let you know if I have any other ideas too lol. Still can't wait for this mod :).
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Maybe you could give the option to change the color of the vision tint when using a vampire's night vision? I know there are several stand alone mods that do this for vanilla vampires or the night eye spell itself, but it'd be nice to have one specifically for Terrans. I'll let you know if I have any other ideas too lol. Still can't wait for this mod :).


Maybe even change the colour depending on Humanity levels ;)

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That would be pretty sweet too lol, the less human you are, the more red tinted it is. Maybe even have a visual in third person or when you look in your inventory of your eyes glowing red too. Not sure if that's practical or if it'll just bog down computers lol, but it sounds cool.
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I already have some eyes that the player will get when displaying vampirism, but sadly none of them glow. Glowing eyes do exist, however since there are no glowing eyes that match the eyes we have, it cannot be used.


I would show a picture of some of the ones we have, but as you already know, my upload quota wont reset. If I can, I will get another developer to post a pic, along with some more of the Arcanist Haven pics :)

I'm sure you would like them - bright, slightly glowing blue eyes for Human vampires; black iris for neutral vampires; demonic, fiery red for inhuman vampires.


Of course, the player may change the eye texture themselves if they wish. I used to use red Khajiit eyes for my vampire, because they would glow and had a slitted pupil.

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