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Terran Vampires REVIVED


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I think I will re-post an earlier question, seen as I only received one suggestion.


The question is: What kind of settings would you want to change in your vampire mod




The question is... what would you want to change?

Here are some examples of settings that can be changed just now...


- Enable/Disable Vampire hunters

- Modify Rate of Ageing (default = +5 Maximum Blood Power per day)

- Enable/Disable 0 Blood Power causes death

- Modify Time taken to die from 0 Blood Power (if enabled) (default = 0 seconds, instant death)




Here are some suggestions for further modifications...


- Modify Maximum Blood burnt by the Sun (default = x5) <<< Keep in mind that this is only the maximum, ie when the sun is at it's highest and brightest.

- Modify Total Blood Power in a human. (default = 100) <<< Since every human has nearly the same amount of blood in their system

- Modify Baseline Blood burn rate (default = 2)

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It's scarily quiet... :whistling:



I think I will re-post an earlier question, seen as I only received one suggestion.


The question is: What kind of settings would you want to change in your vampire mod




The question is... what would you want to change?

Here are some examples of settings that can be changed just now...


- Enable/Disable Vampire hunters

- Modify Rate of Ageing (default = +5 Maximum Blood Power per day)

- Enable/Disable 0 Blood Power causes death

- Modify Time taken to die from 0 Blood Power (if enabled) (default = 0 seconds, instant death)




Here are some suggestions for further modifications...


- Modify Maximum Blood burnt by the Sun (default = x5) <<< Keep in mind that this is only the maximum, ie when the sun is at it's highest and brightest.

- Modify Total Blood Power in a human. (default = 100) <<< Since every human has nearly the same amount of blood in their system

- Modify Baseline Blood burn rate (default = 2)


Well if I answered my own post I'd look like I was talking to myself lol :P. Maybe you could have menus that allow you to change how perceptive the vampire hunters are, ie how long it takes them (on average) to find you and at what point of "inhumanity" they start noticing.

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i think that u can make the possibility to change the sun damage or the rate of blood consumed during the day, the blood consumed by an ability or at least the blood for a level of all the ability (novice, apprendice,...), the point added to the attributes...
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I'm a fan of this mod since a lot of time and i feel i should say something about this question. I'm not sure if i'm late and a little bit out of phase but here i am.


Im not sure if there is a nosferatu clan in the mod but if it is the case... could be possible to choose uglyness (like having no hair and ugly ears as in the vampire experience mod or having some creepy claws as hands)


What about food? A vampire is not suposed to be able to eat food unless he knows how to do it. What about to learn the skill or at least configure it in some menu? (cant use ingredients typed as food or ingredients at all)


I suppose it is no very useful but if there is some malkavian (or like) clan, is there some way to represent their madness? What about dreams with little tips about vanilla quests? or better... random prompts in the upper screen with random "voices" wich some of then give tips about vanilla quests? (visios would be nice but i suppose that would be a "crash-to-desktopper" feature)


Could be possible to configure wich kind of blood does the ventrue (or regent in the old mod) like? (bandit blood, mage, noble, merchant, soldiers.... class based i suppose)


The damage by holy ground depending of humanity? I suppose it would be nice to be something toggleable.


If a vampire falls in torpor (i think torpor will be toggleable in this mod, although not sure), could be determined wich hours? And if not falls, could be determined if he is weakened during the day and how much?


Im not sure how will work masquerade and if it will be but... some bounty for vampirism or breaking the masquerade, maybe...


That's all i can suggest for now. I will think more things. I hope this will be a little useful.

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hmm how good the vamp hunters are. like novice aprentice etc.... the more wanted you are the better they get or you can use the enable box the change them


There are currently 5 levels of vampire hunters. The level that chases you is based on your bounty - ranging from iron-clad poor and desperate, to the professionals with enchanted daedric armour and weaponry specifically made for annihilating vampires.


As it stands, there is an option for disabling all vampire hunters. Disabling specific levels of vampire hunters would probably ruin the concept, but you can always turn down the game's difficulty for whenever they appear. They are meant to kill you if you act to rashly too soon.


i think that u can make the possibility to change the sun damage or the rate of blood consumed during the day, the blood consumed by an ability or at least the blood for a level of all the ability (novice, apprendice,...), the point added to the attributes...


Rate of blood consumed during the day is controlled by the current weather and time of day. I guess I could alter the peak for thirst caused by the sun.

I could also allow alteration of sun damage - some players may want the sun to cause an instant death after all.


I think the specific power of abilities, plus the blood burnt by abilities, should remain controlled by me. I would prefer that the player controls the fundamental basics of their vampire mod, but not the fine detail.


Well if I answered my own post I'd look like I was talking to myself lol :P. Maybe you could have menus that allow you to change how perceptive the vampire hunters are, ie how long it takes them (on average) to find you and at what point of "inhumanity" they start noticing.


As it stands, vampire hunters will follow your bounty. Being inhuman doesn't send vampire hunters after you - deaths, injuries and most importantly a bounty is what they will follow.



Im not sure if there is a nosferatu clan in the mod but if it is the case... could be possible to choose uglyness (like having no hair and ugly ears as in the vampire experience mod or having some creepy claws as hands)


The clans have all had their names changed for copyright reasons, but nosferatu is known as Clan Wraith. I use normal Oblivion Vampirism for the uglyness, so that it can then be covered up by certain vampire abilities later.


What about food? A vampire is not suposed to be able to eat food unless he knows how to do it. What about to learn the skill or at least configure it in some menu? (cant use ingredients typed as food or ingredients at all)


I was not aware of that.

Many mods require the player to eat certain objects, so for the sake of compatibility I may have to leave it out.


I suppose it is no very useful but if there is some malkavian (or like) clan, is there some way to represent their madness? What about dreams with little tips about vanilla quests? or better... random prompts in the upper screen with random "voices" wich some of then give tips about vanilla quests? (visios would be nice but i suppose that would be a "crash-to-desktopper" feature)


I'm guessing Clan Savant is the equivalent of malkavian. How to implement their madness has always interested me. While visions are difficult to do, I guess a simple message would be simple enough.


As a constant advantage/disadvantage some of their stats are temporarily increased/decreased every day, because being insanity is unpredictable. Sure, it may cause them to make poor decisions, but seeing the world in a different light could create entirely unforeseen solutions.


Could be possible to configure wich kind of blood does the ventrue (or regent in the old mod) like? (bandit blood, mage, noble, merchant, soldiers.... class based i suppose)


I've had this suggested to me before, but I don't like the idea of completely cutting off many large sources of blood. Besides, all blood is mostly the same - no matter what end of society you come from.


The damage by holy ground depending of humanity? I suppose it would be nice to be something toggleable.


Good point. I will get around to adding it sometime soon.


If a vampire falls in torpor (i think torpor will be toggleable in this mod, although not sure), could be determined wich hours? And if not falls, could be determined if he is weakened during the day and how much?


Players are no longer forced into torpor. I never like to force the player into anything, but I make it difficult to break from routine.

During the day your thirst will increase greatly until you can find a place to sleep. How much your thirst increases by depends on the current weather and the time, so players will have no problem getting back to their haven if they are running a little late, but waiting too long will rapidly deplete your blood supply. The effect also happens indoors, but isn't as strong - the only way to avoid the thirst is to find somewhere to sleep. Coffins will protect your blood supply even further.


Im not sure how will work masquerade and if it will be but... some bounty for vampirism or breaking the masquerade, maybe...


Your humanity/inhumanity will control the masquerade. Inhuman vampires will find it much more difficult to hide their nature, while human vampires can do it effortlessly (but all vampires can hide it with the right training). Vampire Bounty comes from revealing your true nature in public, or by injuring someone by taking too much blood while they sleep. I have also created a system for vampires who get sent to normal jail, seen as they don't really get much blood.

Edited by WarRatsG
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Actually to vampires not all blood is the same. To a vampire they can taste distinct taste in the blood.. differences, rather it's sweet or spicy.. noble or beggar. I understand for the regent people wanting to have one particular blood type to feed from.. but instead of that maybe one type of person, and only one type that they cannot feed on? As a friend of mine describes it... the different types are like different grades of wine to vampires. Plus if you went that way and the regent fed by accident or otherwise on that bloodtype he/she could be weakened on some stats for a bit by it. :) Still am looking forward to the mod, sorry been away so long. Edited by kendrafelishia
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Actually to vampires not all blood is the same. To a vampire they can taste distinct taste in the blood.. differences, rather it's sweet or spicy.. noble or beggar. I understand for the regent people wanting to have one particular blood type to feed from.. but instead of that maybe one type of person, and only one type that they cannot feed on? As a friend of mine describes it... the different types are like different grades of wine to vampires. Plus if you went that way and the regent fed by accident or otherwise on that bloodtype he/she could be weakened on some stats for a bit by it. :) Still am looking forward to the mod, sorry been away so long.


yes it is like wine but they can stil drink all the wine. a human drink all types of wine and a vamp drinks all types of blood. the effect are the same it is just the taste that is different

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Actually to vampires not all blood is the same. To a vampire they can taste distinct taste in the blood.. differences, rather it's sweet or spicy.. noble or beggar. I understand for the regent people wanting to have one particular blood type to feed from.. but instead of that maybe one type of person, and only one type that they cannot feed on? As a friend of mine describes it... the different types are like different grades of wine to vampires. Plus if you went that way and the regent fed by accident or otherwise on that bloodtype he/she could be weakened on some stats for a bit by it. :) Still am looking forward to the mod, sorry been away so long.


yes it is like wine but they can stil drink all the wine. a human drink all types of wine and a vamp drinks all types of blood. the effect are the same it is just the taste that is different


Well could always avoid exclusion and have the regent instead have a favorite type of person to feed from. When they feed from their favorite type it could give them more bonuses. While others do what is originally intended. Cause even humans have their favored wine or beverage they love more than others.

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