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Terran Vampires REVIVED


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You will be happy to know that I took no less than 200 screenshots. 8)


I cant get them all to you, so I now have the difficult task of filtering them down. Since my upload quota still hasn't gone down since showing you all the Haematikon, I will have to get someone else to post them. Don't worry though, it's being taken care of.



EDIT: Down to 16, which I've split into 2 groups of 1MB, just below the Nexus quota. A friend of mine is uploading the first one and Dabigone should be doing the second when he gets the chance. Because I can take more pictures (last time I could only upload 2 before my quota glitched out) I've been able to do a lot more detail - its not that I just took photos of the same rooms repeatedly ;)


I will describe each photo as they come

Edited by WarRatsG
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This picture is of the connoisseur blood merchant. While neither a vampire nor thrall, the Selvillo family runs a lucrative enterprise selling blood in these havens. Their sources vary, but mostly come from condemned prisoners.


The connoisseur haven boasts some of the more refined samples, a class above captured bandits.

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