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Terran Vampires REVIVED


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Just reply if you want me to test. I check on here every day.


Everyone who has shown me support and loyalty has kept me going, even when all I wanted to do was quit. Everyone who has shown me support and loyalty will be at the top of the playtester list. I can promise you that.




I've been working a lot on atmosphere lately, just messing with the little things. For example, I wanted to show how the more experienced a vampire hunter is, the more they begin to imitate vampires themselves - so all the stronger ones are more pale.

Or when you walk into a certain person's bedroom, in a certain haven, there are little clues to that person's past.



So just to keep the chat going, what would you say is the most "powerful" moment in a game for you? It could be something that - for just a moment - scared you right down to your core; it could be that feeling when you see that loveable ally you bonded with walking into a trap, and knowing you cant stop them; it could be that moment when you find yourself crouched right behind an enemy, and you can feel the satisfaction as you raise a knife to their throat...

It could be anything you like :)


For me, it would be during the first level of Bioshock. I'm usually quite impartial when I play games, as in I find it quite hard to fully immerse myself. So when I turned up in the underwater city filled with mutants, I was not bothered by the insane murderer slashing up a survivor with red-hot hooks. But then, after getting my bearings and taking down a few mutants, I came across a woman sobbing as she sang into a baby's pram. Just watching and listening to her from the other end of the hall, I was nearly heartbroken. As I walked towards her, she looked up, and all that sadness seemed to morph into rage as she charged forward, screaming in what seemed like a perfectly violent cocktail of agony, fury and despair. I quickly put her down with a wrench and approached the pram. Inside, nestled on top of the pillow, was a revolver.

It completely caught me off guard. At that moment, I completely forgot that the place was not real, and thought to myself "Holy s***, what happened here?"

I quickly snapped back to reality, and nothing has caught me off guard that well since. I can't remember anything else that has ever had that kind of impact before then either.


I'm hoping to see some kind of pattern to all your most immersive moments, so that I can try to create a few myself. At the very least, we will have some interesting stories to read. 8)

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Just reply if you want me to test. I check on here every day.


Everyone who has shown me support and loyalty has kept me going, even when all I wanted to do was quit. Everyone who has shown me support and loyalty will be at the top of the playtester list. I can promise you that.




I've been working a lot on atmosphere lately, just messing with the little things. For example, I wanted to show how the more experienced a vampire hunter is, the more they begin to imitate vampires themselves - so all the stronger ones are more pale.

Or when you walk into a certain person's bedroom, in a certain haven, there are little clues to that person's past.



So just to keep the chat going, what would you say is the most "powerful" moment in a game for you? It could be something that - for just a moment - scared you right down to your core; it could be that feeling when you see that loveable ally you bonded with walking into a trap, and knowing you cant stop them; it could be that moment when you find yourself crouched right behind an enemy, and you can feel the satisfaction as you raise a knife to their throat...

It could be anything you like :)


For me, it would be during the first level of Bioshock. I'm usually quite impartial when I play games, as in I find it quite hard to fully immerse myself. So when I turned up in the underwater city filled with mutants, I was not bothered by the insane murderer slashing up a survivor with red-hot hooks. But then, after getting my bearings and taking down a few mutants, I came across a woman sobbing as she sang into a baby's pram. Just watching and listening to her from the other end of the hall, I was nearly heartbroken. As I walked towards her, she looked up, and all that sadness seemed to morph into rage as she charged forward, screaming in what seemed like a perfectly violent cocktail of agony, fury and despair. I quickly put her down with a wrench and approached the pram. Inside, nestled on top of the pillow, was a revolver.

It completely caught me off guard. At that moment, I completely forgot that the place was not real, and thought to myself "Holy s***, what happened here?"

I quickly snapped back to reality, and nothing has caught me off guard that well since. I can't remember anything else that has ever had that kind of impact before then either.


I'm hoping to see some kind of pattern to all your most immersive moments, so that I can try to create a few myself. At the very least, we will have some interesting stories to read. 8)



Damn that is a hard one. I have played a lot of games. It might be in Arcania gothic 4. In the beginning of the game you try get permission to marry the leader of the village's daughter. I did three quests. I killed a couple of wolfs, went into a cave, and something else (long time since I played this game). Finally i get permission. Then when i talk to her again she tells me that she is pregnant. The character is like " how could that happen" and she is like "What? You know how." Then she wants to travel away from the island to a bigger city. I do quests for an old friend that some times goes away from the island. That all ends up with me doing quests for a witch. In the quest were I discover that I got magic I go into a cave. I kill some monsters, and then I came to a place were I can see the village. What I see is a lot of soldiers running into the village. Everything gets destroyed. Back at the village the houses are burned down and every one is dead. I find the body of my fiancé. Filled with rage I leave the island with a quest to find and kill the evil bastard who did this (witch by the way is the main quest).

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Hmmm, yeah it's really hard, well one of the best game moments for me, when it comes to rage and similar things was in FFX when Auron goes back to Yunaleska's realm to take revenge even though there was no way for him to win.

If it's horror...everything that happened in Amnesia: The Dark Descent.

Also the ending in Heavy Rain when

Shaun dies, but Ethan and Madison survive...


you probably have to have played the game, but Ethan's despair after having gone through all those damn trials just to lose another son and the fact that the only person on his side right now, despite his affection for her is nothing but a hollow noise , got to me.



To strip the last one from all the details:

Despair without any way out, because it's already too late and you messed up when you had the chance and everything that around you goes numb, there is nothing but this despair.


Ps: Lol, this was nice to talk about but you might have some trouble building it in :tongue:

Edited by JinKanzaki
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hmm the strongest monent... that must be when i play dark sould or demon soul and met a new boss, the fight to defeat the bos and the happines that came when i finaly after many tries got to defeat that boss.
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Im liking some of these stories already


Martin19121999, you obviously bonded with the character really well and/or empathized very strongly with the main character. Thats difficult to do, but luckily for me, thats Dabigone's job now 8)



JinKanzaki, well summed up. Once again, I think it was more sympathy you felt than actual despair at your choices. That is the bonus you can gain from a third person game, that connection to the characters. Oblivions protagonist is silent, and doesnt exactly have a personality. Relating to him is hard, seen as it is by all means a first person game.

We can do what we can for other characters though ;)



Elricshan, I think we all know that feeling.

Honestly, I swear that FIFA with a group of friends and a few beers can create one of the loudest phenomena known to man ;D

Edited by WarRatsG
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Agh, too much pressure.


Seriously, its a mod for a six year old game. Please, dont take this the wrong way, but its not exactly on par with AC.

I can do what I can, but even games as big as AC it Skyrim tend to suffer when hyped too much. Imagine what could happen to this.


Im not saying this is poor quality - Im just asking you to understand that we dont exactly have cutting edge tech here. Just a new take on what you already know so well. Nehrim pulled it off really well, but it will take time for this to develop into its full potential.

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Sorry I've been away for a bit, I've been having some computer issues. I fully plan to pick up the pace on my end of things as much as I can lol. I agree with martin though that the most powerful moments in gaming for me have been the ones where I really empathized with the character or felt like I really was them. Unfortunately it's really difficult to find a good game that does that, so most instances have been in pen and paper games for me.
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Martin19121996, I guess only thing that is big about most of the mods these days is the cup size. And I am also looking forward to AC3, although I probably wont be playing it for a while. It will be going into the drawer with Skyrim until you have a mod to play ;)


Dabigone, good to hear your back. :)

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