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Terran Vampires REVIVED


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Molag Bal is not referenced anywhere in the mod. Like I said, we're keeping our options open. In the original mod by Zorak Ramone, he kept Terran and regular Cyrodiilic vampires separate, saying that Terran vampires are actually from earth and that they jumped between dimensions. It doesnt sound amazing, but it actually solves a lot of plot holes that other mods would cause. Until we know the direction of the main story, this will remain untouched. In the meantime, the mod will focus on gameplay at atmosphere.


As for items... there are a few ;)

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Glad you didn't take my previous post to seriously. Like I've said before I have a weird sense of humour and at times I can't help it leaping out at peeps lol.


I'm so looking forward to this mod as I'll have a new reason to play Oblivion again....


Skyrim is such a pain, I'm playing Chefville in Facebook. Yes, yes, sad I know but sue me...


As long as you are enjoying the making of the mod as well as the creative experience and the difficulties that come with it, you'll be fine. Remember to take a break and enjoy yourself.


Naomi :D

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Glad you didn't take my previous post to seriously. Like I've said before I have a weird sense of humour and at times I can't help it leaping out at peeps lol.


I laughed ;)


Skyrim is such a pain, I'm playing Chefville in Facebook. Yes, yes, sad I know but sue me...


It's only sad if you could be doing something else you liked better :P


As long as you are enjoying the making of the mod as well as the creative experience and the difficulties that come with it, you'll be fine. Remember to take a break and enjoy yourself.


I prefer being a consultant to design leader. But I must admit, the freedom in the design I have now is pretty amazing. I love building the mechanics - it's like mathematical art to me - but I am starting to hate dialogue and AI with a passion :P


Some potential new devs have approached me recently, one of whom enjoys making AI and dialogue. Things are looking up 8)

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I'm glad. I think maybe the old development team forgot that team is a multiple person effort and maybe everyone wasn't singing from the same hymn sheet in the end...


Listening is as much a part of the development process as the creation and I'm sure you'll all get there this time.


Really looking forward to seeing what you can put out tho.


And I suppose the answer is yes, there is something else I could be doing. I should be remodding DAO and the rest to replay through but I keep putting it off. The last time I did it, there was a mod(s) that kept changing the textures of the original armor that I didn't want changing so I ended up with orange and black looking gear. Not to be recommended. I have an idea which ones are causing the problem but I keep thinking "I'll do it tomorrow" and then promptly get sidetracked with my writing or facebook :D

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Haha the old team was great, everyone contributed and everyone motivated. Everyone took suggestions and criticism with an open mind, everyones opinion meant something.


Not a lot of havens left. You have a choice of arcanists, wraiths and berserkers I think :)


Also, ill ask again if anyone has any interesting ideas for vampire hunters that they would like to see implemented ;)

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