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Reflective Textures Tutorial?


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This probably isn't the right place to post this, but I'd be damned if I knew where I was meant to.


Basically I'm wondering if anyone on this forum has made or has access too a tutorial covering how to make textures reflective to its surroundings. I've searched the internet high and low for even the slightest hint as to how I can do it, but the searching sumounted to nothing.


In a way it may seem that I've come here as a last resort, and yes it's true but I'm at wits end and I am really keen on learning this reflective texturing.


If anyone can help then please, post something in regards to it; tutorials or even a little hint.


Thanks in advance,


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Here is a topic explaining how to do it. I used the methods there in my "Strange Silver" mod. The only problem is that it can get a bit bright.


Didn't even for a second think of searching for "mirror-finish", Thanks a bunch.


EDIT: This is like the effect I'm going for, but it doesn't seem to reflect my surroundings.


Is it because I need to change a graphic setting, or my video card can't handle that effect (It screws up when people chameleon aswell) or is it another thing completely?

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Here is a topic explaining how to do it. I used the methods there in my "Strange Silver" mod. The only problem is that it can get a bit bright.


Didn't even for a second think of searching for "mirror-finish", Thanks a bunch.


EDIT: This is like the effect I'm going for, but it doesn't seem to reflect my surroundings.


Is it because I need to change a graphic setting, or my video card can't handle that effect (It screws up when people chameleon aswell) or is it another thing completely?

Weapons and other stuff can't reflect sorroundings like that, atleast easily. This was probably something bethsoft had limited to only work with water in order for the game to meet certain performance requirements within hardware comparable to the Xbox 360 environment. Reflections on any shiny surface would likely kill even top of the line videocards since what is reflected would technically have to be rendered twice. It's supported by the engine since water reflects stuff above it, but that was probably made a special case since the game wouldn't allow the same "game selling" eyecandy if they weren't there. In short, probably not possible unless someone did some major (and probably illegal) prodding within the .nif format and the game engine.

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