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someone please help

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for some reason every time i try to get into the imperial city, oblivion crashes. i checked OMM for conflicts and everything showed up red and green. i figure that red is bad, but i have no idea what to do about it. i also have wrye bash but again don't know how to use it. i hate being a techno dummy, anyway supposedly wrye can create patches so that there wont be conflicts...? but again don't know how. already tried to read the "how to" but it makes no sense, might as well be written in an ayleid because i have no idea what any of it means....

so, any help would be greatly appreciated.


here is a list of the mods I'm using in what i believe is their omm load order.



cobl main.esm

elaborate eyes.esp






hud status bars.esp




coh werewolves mixed.esp

coh spawn rates increased.esp

slof's dogs.esp



creature diversity.esp

marts monster mod.esp


cobl glue.esp

duke patricks - basic script effect silencer.esp


also have the following installed but not active


cobl si.esp

cobl tweaks.esp

cobl races.esp

beautiful peoplev22 - malereplacerv4.esp

ushnars skinned hound.esp(will be active once i get around to completing "ushnars terror")

cobl filter late MERGE ONLY.esp


dont know if it helps but my system rating is 4.5(not sure what that means, but there you go)

i think that all the needed info, if you need more info just let me know.






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Try disabling all mods and enter the city, if it still crashes it could be a graphics problem, if it works, enable 1 mod at a time until it crashes, to see what the culprit is.
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