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OBGE No Ground ; - ;

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So i wanted to try Deadly Reflex 6 and installed all the required mods. When i load my save, the ground is gone and i fall into the water thats underneath. Scince OBGE messes with big stuff, and disablng all the mods didnt help, im guessing its OBGE. Anyone got a fix?
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What cell is it that has no ground?


I don't believe OBGE causes this sort of problem. The cause is a problematic esm / esm-ified esp.


I know Crafty Bits may cause this sort of thing, but, it could be something else. You have to experiment with the esms you have by disabling them one by one until the problem is gone. Also, make sure any esm-fied esps are esp-fied.


If you don't understand what esm-ifying is or something else, tell me.

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the mods and addons are OBMM; OBSE; OBGE; Deadly Reflex 6; HUD Status Bar Mod; DLT-OBSE; NifSE; Enhanced Campfire Behavior 1.0; Bedrolls Anyone; Unofficial Oblivion Patch; and 1st Person Legs mod. Along with my own Resurrect Other. The problem i'm having troubleshooting this myself is some rely on eachother and TES becomes unstable without them, causing a crash
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