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World of Warcraft & Warcraft in Oblivion


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In reply to both sides of this discussion. For 1 yes i Agree WOW is well bad to put it politly. AND some of the things from warcraft i.e. a Tauren wearing armour that looks like an anime cyber suit, will look rediculous in TES4, But on the other hand SOME not all but SOME of the things from WAR3 would look great, i have a WAR3 thread on this site and my idea's are there, so apart from some other races classes weapons and armour the only thing i can think of that would be good for this would maybe to make the Frostmourne quest a little more complicated.
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somebody can try and make him more dark to blend in.... if there is no sollution then u're right

Umm, don't get offended but WoW is nothing special, couse I played it and payed for it and lost a lot of money,well not to much, but I got bored from it in about 2 and a half months, but I've been playing Oblivion for like 5 or more months over and over again. Yeah WoW has some races and options which would probably look better in Oblivion, but the problem us that no one want's to make them.

P.S. Warcraft has a cartoon graphic,which is OK by me couse I love cartoons and comics, but the combat is really bad

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well I dont Like WoW my self but I would not mind seeing the some of the Npcs like dragons and such to fight.

As for the actors or what ever WoW calls them player controlled P.C. . That would be neat as well more the mary'ir .

I don't know of deep hate of WoW here but i never looked or asked any one here. I would like to see a sexy Succubus that renders a npc still That would be fun Summons.

I guess what trying to say is this there is some fun and good things in any game with open modding community we all hope to add or at lest just give Ideas out in the open .Me I still want some to look at fighting clothes for fighting Games for street Fighter mortal Kombat darkstarkers games.We all have likes and dislikes .

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might be spouting pure plagurism here as I doubt it's an original idea but I'm working on a class overhaul based on WoW classes. I'm taking my time with it too and have big plans for the idea such as new spells to make Druids and shaman work. I won't promise this will be amazing but I'm going to try.

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I don't usually join into these kinds of discussions...it's pretty clear how the vast majority of elder scrolls fans feel about the idea anyway. However, for the sake of sharing information alone, there are at least two notable WOW mods for Oblivion to check out. Do a search by author name for Ub3rman123. He did Scarlet Monastery and Shadowfang Keep mods for Oblivion. While I never actually played WOW, too cartoonish for me, I watched my children play for years. And I think these areas were translated very well given the limitations the mod author had to work under. Give them a try....if you enjoy them and want more like them, pick up the CS and try your hand at learning to mod. Maybe you can create your own WOW based dungeon...or finish off an abandoned project like the Stormwind mod started by Zerowin that was never finished.

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