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Just testing the waters here to see what sort of feedback I may get, I am thinking of doing a mod with the IronMan theme..

Big flash House, all high tech, To obtain it would be a quest of some sort,


Inside will be Schematics for new weapons and the suit..

High tech display areas and sorters (The usual)


Players would do side quests to get the bits required to make the suit


Players would need to scavenge as they do to get the bits to make new weapons


Certain Skill levels would be required to make each Item.



Thoughts anybody??

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Being a big fan of power armor, This sounds like a sweet idea to get a hold of a sort of "medium power armor" (or same as regular power armor, but faster and lighter due to the use of high-tech alloys)


Even though im personally just scratching the surface when it comes to modding, i think the use of recipes/schematics to craft the armor is a nice touch, and quite do-able. (this would also be where the repair/science skill requirements tie in.)

The quests to obtain the schematics: not sure though, never tried stuff like that myself.


Overall this sounds like a pretty neat idea. and can even be tied into the lore: Hermes combat armoror even better: Athena power armor (you could, if you wanted, use that wiki-page as a sort of guideline to do this armor)


I do have to say that those wiki links are known to me thanks to someone already trying to tackle the lore-friendly, top secret projects: Danburite2 with his ATLAS mod.


You also want to have a look at This mod to figure out to add some sort of visor to your helmet (with, or without some fancy hud elements ;) )


Hope this helps a bit :)

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