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Skip Vault 111 Mod (not saved game)


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I often restart the game to play as another character or test some new mod. Id like to see a mod that after you choose what your character looks like skips to you at the elevator waiting to leave the vault 111. This way when you got on the elevator alternate start mods like "paths of life" would still work and you didn't have to play the whole vault scene over and over and over again.
The Mod could come with a couple of options like have cryolator and even skip to outside the vault instead.

Just Thinking




Silhouett :nuke:

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I want to be able to create a new character then be at the game play. So this would have to do the mirror routine, then the name and point distribution and then place you at the point(s) I mentioned above. A saved game means you are already a character who has to be remodeled with console commands and renamed etc as well you do not get to easily pick options that you might have wanted or not wanted.

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