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Best oblivion mods to experience


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Hey I'm kind've new here, just like to say thank you to the entire community for all of thees awesome resources and modifications.


I've beaten the game vanilla and would like to experience the game in an entirely new light.


One mod i plan on using FOR SURE, is the deadly reflex modification.


So what would be the best combination?


I planned on going by this http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Basic_guide_to_optimizing/modding_Oblivion he list's a nice array of mods on there


But i know there has got to be an even better array of modifications that really bring this game to life, any suggestions?


I've been told to avoid overhauls like OOO due to compatibility with other mods that are not included in the overhauls content.

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Hey I'm kind've new here, just like to say thank you to the entire community for all of thees awesome resources and modifications.


I've beaten the game vanilla and would like to experience the game in an entirely new light.


One mod i plan on using FOR SURE, is the deadly reflex modification.


So what would be the best combination?


I planned on going by this http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Basic_guide_to_optimizing/modding_Oblivion he list's a nice array of mods on there


But i know there has got to be an even better array of modifications that really bring this game to life, any suggestions?


I've been told to avoid overhauls like OOO due to compatibility with other mods that are not included in the overhauls content.


The Unofficial Oblivion Patch (UOP) and it's related mods (Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch, Unofficial Official Mods Patch, and Unofficial Oblivion Patch Supplementals) are very highly recommended.


I'd go with All Natural, Better Vegetation, AWLS, and a water enhancement mod of your choice over Natural Environments (I' haven't set this up yet, but it's a much better view and has more features than NE). QTP3 (which comes in a few different variants) is also very nice for visual enhancement mods. Be sure to get the QTP3 patch for UOP if you get UOP.


Also, you may like MiniMap and/or Map Marker Overhaul. Additionally there are a few different versions of colored world maps and don't forget either Darn UI or Dark Darn UI. All of these are functional mods that generally make the game more enjoyable/less annoying.


My pick on a Female Body Replacer is EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion. It's a one-stop shop mod for all of the major HGEC Body types and the corresponding armor/clothing replacers for those body types. You'll Still need the High Res Body textures though.


You may like Realistic Leveling as opposed to the two he mentions there, it prevents exploitative power leveling and feels pretty balanced with the game so far. If MMM doesn't already cover Town Guard behavior, Ren's Gaurd Overhaul is a vast improvement over Vanilla Oblivion.

Edited by MShoap13
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Thanks for the input, I'll definitely get the visual enhancements, my PC setup has some high end equipment and I'd like to utilize it.


I'm using Bananasplits better cities, and probably the Mud and blood modification, any other recommendations for landscape/ city mods?


Yeah, you'll notice i have had this account for awhile because prior to now the only mods i have ever used where the unofficial patchs. I always get them, and install first.

In case you're wondering i do have it properly updated to the latest version, as well as patchs installed. OBMM, and all necessary tools to install modifications correctly. I also thoroughly read all read mes and instructions to avoid malfunctions or crashs when installing multiple mods.


Better cities recommends the usage of AWLS (animated window lighting) and let the people drink, so I'll likely use them.


Also, i like the idea of Alternative start by ship, i already beat the vanilla storyline, the vanilla start seems like a drag now hah.



Just in case i have any problems, I'll document the order of which i install the mods, and my load order and method of load order. I should be alright though, i understand how to use all of the recommended tools.

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A few thoughts:


Get Wrye Bash. It's not the easiest utility to understand, but it does a ton of things, including dealing with corruption issues in saved games.


Check out The Oblivion Quest List. TOQL is a pretty comprehensive list of available Oblivion quests, short, medium, long, and those involving the use of companions. It has links, a bit of discussion, and even mentions where there are a few issues. It's not been maintained in a year--the list owner had his first child, and is understandably working on that quest--but otherwise, it's a great resource. And there are quite a few excellent quest mods in Oblivion.


Try out at least one companion, for the quest and personality. I suggest Companion Vilja. Not only does she have a great many comments to offer and things to do, she can actually take the role of leading for a while as you follow her. ;)


Stick with Deadly Reflex 5, by the way. 6.x is still in beta, and there have been many reports of bugs.


As you've beaten out the vanilla game, I strongly suggest you try one or two of the big overhaul mods that work with Oblivion, such as Oscuro's, Martigen's, or Francesco's. Oscuro's is perhaps the most dramatic, because it removes creature scaling-to-player, and gives them geographical areas, but I prefer Martigen's, which broadly expands the type of enemies, and adds many different types of random encounters all over the place (whose frequency and type you can control).


Consider a magical overhaul mod, or two. I've got LAME, Less Annoying Magic Experience, and Supreme Magicka. Each adds a great deal, and they work well in tandem. Note that SM comes with an INI file. It gives you a great deal of control on how magic works in the game, such as how many summons are allowed to you or an enemy, what level you have to be for a certain number of summons, whether the summons requires a level of magic to cast, or consumes magicka continuously as it exists, etc.

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That quest list is exactly what i was looking for, awesome! This opens up an entire new section of gameplay for me!


Thanks for the tip on deadly reflex, i would've went with 6.


I am using MMM, i decided against OOO because it seems like it conflicts with allot of mods, and needs allot of compatability patchs, in other words it seems overly complicated to install.


Yeah i plan on using companion and magicka modifications, havn't got that far yet. Still picking out the landscape/city and gameplay changes.


I never knew how many modifications there are, wow.

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Something i forgot to mention, i use an xbox 360 controller, will i be able to setup deadly reflex to work correctly? I do have pinnacle game profiler if it will be needed.


You might want to create a thread for that, or check up on Bethsoft's forums and start one, there. I'm strictly a keyboard-and-trackball user, myself.

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Everybodys got there own preference, but you have to admitt it's not a bad idea at all. All the new content deadly reflex offers, at ease of the xbox 360 controller. I know enough about pinnacle game profiler, i might just modify an existing oblivion profile to work
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