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"Hey! That's MY stuff!" NPC item ownership restored...


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In past Bethesda games, NPCs owned the things in their houses, shops, w/e. If you took it, you were identified as a thief and there were crudely-implemented but real consequences.


In F04, you can rob almost everyone of almost everything lying around in THEIR owned locations. But the loading screen has a tip that NPCs will respond to being stolen from?


...how does that matter when 90% of the things NPCs own are not marked as their property? Wow.That's some seriously easy-mode resource acquisition. Bethesda, do you think us so incapable of gathering resources that we NEED these kind of handouts?



Well, I don't want handouts, I want ways to succeed despite challenges, because that increases the fun factor of the game. So this mod request is to fix that problem up.


Here's the idea: Mark everything in locations belonging to someone, be it a personal or faction location, as owned by them. If you want their stuff, you have several options:


1. Hold a conversation with the owner of the location and ask to buy stuff, then pick up the stuff you want and go back to them for a trade menu interaction. They *should* have some things marked untradeable, and you should have to either return those things or upon completing the trade interaction, suffer the consequences of theft. If you leave the location without completing the trade interaction, everything you have taken is considered stolen.


2. If the stuff belongs to an enemy faction, clearing the location lifts the ownership flag from all items in the location / in your inventory from the location. However, any other members of the faction should recognize faction-specific gear you have equipped as stolen unless you have befriended that faction.


3. Just steal it and deal with the theft mechanic / kill anyone who tries to take it back.


This would add a lot of immersion to the game imo.

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true to all of this but all the things in an npc's house ARE marked red you realize that right? meaning they have to be out of sight or asleep for you to steal from them, and your shot on sight (usually, unless stealing something of almost no value from an allied faction in which case unless you walk off with it they'll just take it back) which is due to how crimes are usually dealt with in such a world which makes considerable sense since its destroyed and theirs little humanity left in people. i do completely agree with the "getting npc's to sell you stuff thing" and i wish it was in the game but its simply (and sadly!!!) not possible as we don't exactly have the voice actors for such a thing but if it was it would be nice to be able to pass a speech cheek and be able to buy things from their house for an albeit slightly varying or higher price..


to the enemy loot thing, hell yeah! like seriously that should've been in the game from the start, like how's it stealing if no one owns it like your companions get angry at you for stealing from people you just killed? and it definitely should be a feature that if you wear faction specific gear (for example brotherhood armor while being around the brotherhood) as being recognized as one of the MEMBERS of the faction rather then an enemy. like if your an enemy there going to try and kill you anyways so why not try and pass undetected among there ranks with stolen gear? although you shouldn't be able to talk to actual faction members (except for. again using the brotherhood as an example : the shopkeeper in the stall-pretty sure he has some dialogue thats not specific to the player) as they would recognize you as one that is not there own and attempt to kill you (to prevent the player from getting missions from a faction thats not there own) it maybe might not even require that much scripting since paladin danse forces your allegiances to switch around (after a certain point in the story that is. hint hint wink wink)


so yeah just my opinion and take on all this ^ sorry for the long post and sorry if i disagreed/offended you with some of my points

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I'd wholeheartedly agree with this suggestion if it would be complemented with two additional changes:


1) Allied or neutral NPCs will try to take back stolen items in a non-violent manner first, i.e. walking up to you and requesting to return said items.

2) Companions that are against stealing wont mind stealing from people they are opposed to.

Edited by wuwuwuwuwu
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I'd wholeheartedly agree with this suggestion if it would be complemented with two additional changes:


1) Allied or neutral NPCs will try to take back stolen items in a non-violent manner first, i.e. walking up to you and requesting to return said items.

2) Companions that are against stealing wont mind stealing from people they are opposed to.


+ support. Definitely. Per the loading screen tip, NPCs should do that anyways, right? And good thought on the companions, they should be taken into account.

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true to all of this but all the things in an npc's house ARE marked red you realize that right? meaning they have to be out of sight or asleep for you to steal from them, and your shot on sight (usually, unless stealing something of almost no value from an allied faction in which case unless you walk off with it they'll just take it back) which is due to how crimes are usually dealt with in such a world which makes considerable sense since its destroyed and theirs little humanity left in people. i do completely agree with the "getting npc's to sell you stuff thing" and i wish it was in the game but its simply (and sadly!!!) not possible as we don't exactly have the voice actors for such a thing but if it was it would be nice to be able to pass a speech cheek and be able to buy things from their house for an albeit slightly varying or higher price..


<snip some stuff>


so yeah just my opinion and take on all this ^ sorry for the long post and sorry if i disagreed/offended you with some of my points


Well, as soon as you "befriend" them, suddenly you CAN take all their stuff. I tested it and was like "wtf, I completed a quest and now all their stuff is free for the taking? That's bogus.".


Also, I found *very* few NPCs that had their stuff marked as owned in the first place, and you can pocket most everything lying around in faction hideouts. I would prefer the faction leaders to be the owners in those cases, 'cause if it's useful scrap, obviously someone brought it there for the faction's use, right?

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