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Editing/Recoloring existing textures for head/body?


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So here's what I am trying to do...

I have a head texture I like for khajiits.
I have a body texture I like for khajiits.
But here's the crux of the matter... They are not from the same mod, so there are visible, but very slight color differences.


While they are similar, the head has slightly warmer coloring compared to the body's colder color texture. This creates a visible gap between the two textures, I don't care much for the neckseam being inconsistent as that can be hidden in various ways, what I want is for the colors on the head and the body to be within roughly the same color range, preferably turning the head's warmer coloring colder.


Is there way for me to do this with GIMP? I know a very basic method of just applying another layer ontop of the exising one and pour a color over the entire thing and then up the transparency in an attempt to change the color, I've also toyed around with brightness/contrast values, but that seems so crude, and I want to go for quality... Which means I probably need to switch to Photoshop or something doesn't it?


I need some help/tips, as I've been scouring google for a while but I can't seem to find guides related to this specific matter.

Edited by SiniVII
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