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Game not running the same. (Constant Crashes/Maybe buggy mod load order?)


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My FNV began to crash when the game is loaded up and when i enter and exit rooms. This has not happened before and has just began to start happening to me. I have run my mods through FNVEdit and to find nothing. If you need my mod load order i'd be glad to post it. Thanks!

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Standard troubleshooting questions:


* What most recently changed?
* Does it use NVSE? Check that log.
* Did it need to be added to MCM/oHUD/UIO?

* Is your version of Windows 32 or 64-bit?
* Are you using a 4GB Loader?
* Are you using an ENB preset?

* Are you using LOOT to sort your mod order?

* Was there an update to a mod that has been included in a "Merged -" file? Rebuild it.
* If any LOD files have been added, re-run "TES4LL_FNV".
* If the Load Order has changed, re-run FNVLODGen afer LOOT.
* Use FNVEdit (loading the entire LO) to check for Masters that are missing or loading after Dependencies.
* Check the game graphic options do not conflict with video driver settings.

* Try renaming both the INI files in the "C:\Users\<YourAccountName>\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV" folder, and let the game rebuild them.


Sounds like you are having the problem on interior/exterior cell transitions. Does it also happen when "fast traveling"?


Most importantly, completely disable all manner of autosaves in the game options. Most crashes on cell-change are caused by the autosave feature choking because it's trying to write data into a save it corrupted the last time you changed cells. Auto-saves are dangerous because they are seldom able to tell when the game is in the middle of doing something else critical.

[Edit:] CASM and "CASM with MCM" attempt to provide more control over such situations.
Cause2: Crashes on cell transition will happen more often the more mods you have that affect NPC's & levelled lists. You can't run different mods like that, reliably, without a "bashed" or "merged" patch.

It's always useful to post your LO (in "Spoiler" tags. Use the "Special BBCode" button in the "Reply" menu bar). LOOT can copy your LO into a file suitable for posting here. (It's under the ":" with three dots to the extreme right in the menu bar.)



Edited by dubiousintent
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0 0 FalloutNV.esm
1 1 DeadMoney.esm
2 2 HonestHearts.esm
3 3 OldWorldBlues.esm
4 4 LonesomeRoad.esm
5 5 GunRunnersArsenal.esm
6 6 ClassicPack.esm
7 7 MercenaryPack.esm
8 8 TribalPack.esm
9 9 CaravanPack.esm
10 a AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm
11 b Project Nevada - Core.esm
12 c Project Nevada - Equipment.esm
13 d CFWNV.esm
14 e Caliber.esm
15 f CaliberXhonesthearts.esm
16 10 CaliberXgunrunners.esm
17 11 JIP Selective-Fire.esm
18 12 Weapon Mod Expansion.esm
19 13 wsex.esm
20 14 Lings.esm
21 15 Shojo Race Vegas.esm
22 16 Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp
23 17 Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp
24 18 Cannabis.esm
25 19 NosCo Companion System.esm
26 1a NCCS Nos' Premade Companions.esm
27 1b Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.esm
28 1c Momod.esm
29 1d The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
30 1e The Weapon Mod Menu.esp
31 1f KillableKids.esp
32 20 AWOP-MoMod.esp
33 21 HK MP7.esp
34 22 Dead Money - Automatic Rifle fix.esp
35 23 Dead Money - No Collar Explosion and No Poison Cloud.esp
36 24 realistic headshots.esp
37 25 BetterGamePerformanceV4.esp
38 26 MoreChems.esp
39 27 Fellout.esp
40 28 Animated Chems.esp
41 29 StrikerNV.esp
42 2a Cosmetic Cigarettes -No Smoke.esp
43 2b Cosmetic Cigarettes.esp
44 2c Fallout 1 and 2 ambient music v0.2.esp
45 2d shut up musicspeakers.esp
46 2e High on Life.esp
47 2f Lucky38Suite_Reloaded.esp
48 30 001 Project Weaponry.esp
49 31 wsexInnuendoNPCs.esp
50 32 wsexInnuendoAnims.esp
51 33 AA12.esp
52 34 AK_AR15WP.esp
53 35 EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp
54 36 Mojave Rooftops.esp
55 37 Companion Sandbox Mode3.esp
56 38 Animated Prostitution.esp
57 39 m110.esp
58 3a 61Flavors.esp
59 3b Weapon Mod Expansion.esp
60 3c Classic10mmPistol.esp
61 3d Glock Pack.esp
62 3e FabriqueNationale.esp
63 3f mac10.esp
64 40 CornucopiaGroceryStore.esp
65 41 FalloutNVCheatTerminal.esp
66 42 M1903 Springfield.esp
67 43 DragonskinTacticalOutfit.esp
68 44 DragonskinNCRPersonnelWearingOutfits.esp
69 45 IMPACT.esp
70 46 M200.esp
71 47 VG5.esp
72 48 DragonskinBonusPack.esp
73 49 DTO-ProjectNevada.esp
74 4a DTOBP-ProjectNevada.esp
75 4b TGsArmorCollectionVegas.esp
76 4c TheLozza's_Gasmasks.esp
77 4d Blck_Fx NV-- Add Casque M1.esp
78 4e ilbuonorevolver.esp
79 4f manwithnoname.esp
80 50 clintsfistfulrevolver.esp
81 51 M-1 Carbine.esp
82 52 Kaya47GlacierGlasses.esp
83 53 WeaponsOfTheShogunate.esp
84 54 M2Flamethrower.esp
85 55 M1A1 Paratrooper Carbine.esp
86 56 Maschinengewehr 42.esp
87 57 UltimatelyStrongAutoShotgun.esp
88 58 Barrett 98B.esp
89 59 FG42.esp
90 5a HK Springfield M1903 w Upgrades.esp
91 5b KSGBest.esp
92 5c Mosin Nagant Pack.esp
93 5d MP40.esp
94 5e DGPzf60.esp
95 5f DGRpzb54.esp
96 60 Stg44.esp
97 61 Bioshock_Pistol.esp
98 62 Carcano.esp
99 63 Classic Glock 86 Plasma Pistol.esp
100 64 Colt_Monitor_R80.esp
101 65 M1897.esp
102 66 R700.esp
103 67 M16A2.esp
104 68 DP28.esp
105 69 SVU.esp
106 6a EnclaveOutcastArmor.esp
107 6b G43.esp
108 6c Gas Masks of the World - PN Patch.esp
109 6d German Uniforms of WW2.esp
110 6e Jackal.esp
111 6f KABAR.esp
112 70 Karabiner98k.esp
113 71 LeeEnfieldMkIII.esp
114 72 Luger.esp
115 73 MauserC96.esp
116 74 mk46jtucker40full.esp
117 75 mk46jtucker40lite.esp
118 76 VP70.esp
119 77 NambuType14.esp
120 78 P38_Pistol.esp
121 79 PKM.esp
122 7a PPSh41.esp
123 7b PTRS41.esp
124 7c RealisticLaunchedExplosiveSpeed - EVE.esp
125 7d Rias Gremory.esp
126 7e Reichssender Neu Vegas.esp
127 7f Saiga12.esp
128 80 SKS.esp
129 81 KP31.esp
130 82 SVT40.esp
131 83 SwissKnife.esp
132 84 The Jackal.esp
133 85 Millenia_Tokarev.esp
134 86 WA2000.esp
135 87 Winchester Model 1912 Trench Gun NV.esp
136 88 AK_AR15WP_Tasha_shop.esp
137 89 Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Cheat.Cabinet.esp
138 8a Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Honest.Hearts.Grunt.Patch.esp
139 8b Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Store.LITE.esp
140 8c Galil.esp
141 8d BHPM1935.esp
142 8e Momodlorefriendly.esp
143 8f FAMAS.esp
144 90 Honest Hearts Weight Check.esp




The thing that most recently changed is the fact that the game used to run perfectly fine and then the game freezes, making a "FNV has stopped running" Window appear.


I am running a x64 Bit Windows.


I have 4GB FNV installed in the folders but not using it currently.

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I wasn't clear enough I see. I meant what changed as far as your "installed mods" are concerned. Any new, updated, or removed?


With a 64-bit OS you definitely want to be using FNV4GB to get the maximum memory available for the game, up to about 3.8GB. Otherwise it is limited to 2GB.


You have 144 active ESM and ESP files. That is over the "cap", which is between 130-140 (depending upon your system), and that causes problems like you are experiencing. You need to utilize a "Wrye Flash" Bashed Patch or "merge patch" file to resolve record level conflicts. See this S.T.E.P. Guide which covers both approaches. (A Bashed Patch enables mods that it fully includes to be de-activated, which reduces your active plugin count.) This is the quickest way to get your active count under the cap.


In addition that same guide covers how to create "merged plugins" that combine non-conflicting mods into a single package.


Edited by dubiousintent
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Alright, I have made the bashed patch and everything went fine. There's only one issue, which is the fact that there are VERY loud noises in my game, (Wind Noises, Etc.) that are louder than my guns. I tried to uncheck "import sounds" to no avail. Thanks for the help up to now!



Edit: I found the error. Thanks for all of your help! :smile:

Edited by DocDodo98
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