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How to make one mod use files from another mod?


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So every time I try to use some files from other plugin files in my own mod like when I drag the corean hair into my custom race, next time I load up my mod I get some error message telling me it can't find the hair files and they just all disappear. What do I have to do so that it does know where to find the hair files? Sorry I'm new to this whole modding thing.
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Thanks for the reply, but that was just a very small example. What I'd been doing under these circumstances is that I just duplicate the hair and save it in my new file. But it gets much more complicated when trying to do more advanced stuff. For example, I wanted to save the NPC I have in one mod with a custom race from another mod. What would I do under these circumstances?
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So I took a hint from you and saved the custom races to my active file. I also had to duplicate all the hairs and eyes and meshes and textures and whatnot. It's working now thanks to you. This does get a little tedious and I can't help but feel this solution is a bit ... "cheap." There has to be a more "proper" way of doing it. Anyone know?
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You do not need to copy files from other mods for your mod to work. To make your mod work you need Wrye Bash.


If you have it, you have to right-click the mod you want to take files from (i.e. Corean Mod) and you have to Esmify it. Then, you go into CS and choose your mod as active and you choose Corean Mod (which should look like a master/esm in the Data file list). Now, you can create your mod.


When you are done your mod, you go back into Wrye Bash and you right-click Corean Mod and this time Espify it. You're mod should then work!


Hope I helped. ;)

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