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Weird Texture Glitch / Hair changes


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Hello everyone. First off, I thank you again for reading these threads and answering them. I really appreciate your efforts and how you guide me to solve a previous issue I had, I just hope I can help you in the future. Before that regrettably I must ask about another problem I noticed recently and I never came across before.


An image worths a thousand words or something like that is how the saying goes so, let me explain with a pic:



So, what is this?


The precedents: - I didn't play Oblivion for a while. Nothing was modified that I know. I started playing it again and I found this when I went to the Apachii Store.


- The mod was working fine the last time I used it.


- No mod that I know could disrupt other in this way was installed. Nor texture pack.


- This just happened with this and another mod, not with oblivion itself, yet those two mods had nothing to do. (Tattoo Armor Mod and Apachii Store)


- Validation-Invalidation its working fine, as I said, it only happens with these two mods, the rest works fine, except some hair mods like Saram, that in certain ocations doesn't let me to change a determinated race hair besides Saram hair itself, or the vanilla hairs of Oblivion. Ren's ones do something like that too, just that they don't change at all, you have to accept the changes and do the charactermenu again to be able to change styles. (This, on the opposite side of Saram, happens in all races, even the regular ones.)

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If you haven't installed body texture replacers I'd be suspect of your BSAs having become corrupted. If you have installed body textures then i"d lean towards those and recommend reinstalling them.
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I installed body texture replacers before, I don't think It has to do with that. Anyway. I already tried the re-installation of both mods and theres no change.
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I installed body texture replacers before, I don't think It has to do with that. Anyway. I already tried the re-installation of both mods and theres no change.


You reinstalled what mods?

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