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Zeta for NV


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This got me thinking, Since Zeta and its contents are all set in a near completely imdependant World of its own and hardly affects the Fallout 3 Base game in anyway except for placing those homing beacons, would it be possible to alter Zeta instead make it cmpatable with NV?


Im sure there is a few issues and such, but create a NV patch for thouse who have it experience it for Zeta thus make it possible to make use of the resources without ripping content out of it by uploading or what not.


Some of Zeta's resources are already in NV .BSA as we know but not all.


Simpley, I think we just have to change the homing beacons for example.


Make a new or altinate crash site for the Alien Spaceship, place the same trigger there for you getting abucted and them Zeta would most likely work then,.


After you completed the whole sceario and such, that Kid, whats her name... fires that other homing beacon not at the CW but into the same area where you found thenew crash site.


Just think of it this way, the Ship did not crash in Washington, but in the Nevada desert echoing Roswell.


I know its possible in Requiem for a Capital Wasteland, but that is still pretty buggy and God, it takes up a lot of space and overites your current game, making you have to do a annoying complete reinstall of New Vegas, I just want to avoid that but still play Zeta if its Possible AND in a Legal, safe way.


Only if you have Zeta ofcourse.


The NV Aliens are lifeless, lil manikins that dont make that gibberish lingo we all love.


Think of the posibilities of making high tech mods since Old World Blues came out :P


Im sure something could be done with Point Lookout and the Pitt aswell though thats a Fallout 3 based setting, Zeta is set above the Earth and could be anytime.


What say you?



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Consider that if any resources from Fallout 3 are used in Zeta / The Pitt / Point Lookout, they'll be missing from your attempted port. I can understand the desire to see this happen, but I also understand from working on patches for RFCW why it's not anywhere near as easy as anyone thinks. You'll probably produce something that's buggier than RFCW and spend weeks fixing resources.
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Yes, sorry if I went on there and was not clear in what I was saying.


Zeta itself is more or less independant of Fallout 3 except for verious clothing, NPCs and such.


A few fixes of replacing the Meshes and textures used from the NV .BSA or the other NV DLCs sould maybe fix those Big red exclamation marks.

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av been having this discussion with a few ppl n came to the conclusion that it is possible to make all the f3 dlc's work in new vegas with the possibility "some work required" to even having the full fallout3 running as a mod for new vegas.


1) copy & paste the zeta esm to new vegas folder "not the original".

2) open zeta with TESnip n change it to use new vegas as a master instead of fallout 3.

3) open zeta in your nv geck.

4) u then need to remove the zeta start marker n door marker to some ware in nv.


5) u need to then go thru every other part of zeta so that all the things associated to f3 now become associated to nv.


done & play ;)

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There's already the http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=41480 . Plus, porting that stuff over would be illegal. Bethesda may of borrowed some meshes/textures from certain things for a one time only use. That's partially why you can't port F3 and Oblivion stuff, Bethesda doesn't own everything in those games. There's is already http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=42819
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I tried just what jpmntn mentioned but the GECK just crashed, probably due to imcompatabilities or may just be the Crash due to the missing markers and scripts on the non existant CW in the NV Zeta file.
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I tried just what jpmntn mentioned but the GECK just crashed, probably due to imcompatabilities or may just be the Crash due to the missing markers and scripts on the non existant CW in the NV Zeta file.
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You'll need to take the Zeta .bsa's from Fallout 3's directory, put them in Fallout NV's Data directory.


Next, copy over the Zeta .esm. Open it in FNVEdit. Now for the fun part. You'll need to completely disassociate it with Fallout 3. This can be done by switching it to use FalloutNV.esm as its master instead, and also going through the super-fun process of fixing any and all errors that creates.


And even then, there's a chance you won't be able to open it in the GECK. If that happens you'll need to make an external plugin, place the necessary objects in it in the Fallout NV worldspace, save it, then open it and the Zeta mod in GECK and merge the new plugin with Zeta. Finally, replace all instances of the marker in the Zeta file to reference your new marker/trigger/whatever, as necessary.

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Yep, sounds Super-Fun!!!



:biggrin: :rolleyes: :teehee: :mellow: :unsure: :confused: :wallbash:


The many stages of Emotion in more or less order I may go through in attempting to do this.


It seems simple but may take long. Ofcourse this is not really a Solo job unless someone would like to help?

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