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Haven Bag Campsite Port


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Do you remember the Haven Bag mod from Skyrim?


How about Haven Bag Campsite?


My suggestion is a simple port of that mod, for Fallout 4.


You make camp (yes, we have mods for camping).


But this camp includes a Storage Trunk. This Storage Trunk is actually a container in its own cell in the game. It never resets. You do not have to fast travel to it. Its inventory is constant. And it goes wherever you go.


Since so many people have demanded Unified Storage among the settlements, I thought this might be a more fun suggestion. Wherever you go, you can use the Action: Make Camp. Drop down your tent. Zone into your tent for access to Crafting, Storage, and protection from the weather.


So many problems solved in such a simple way.


We need this.

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Going to give this a little bump.


Maybe people DO NOT remember the Haven Bag. I'm unsure.


Given what it does and the way that Survival Mode works, I can't see how there would be any lack of interest in something that could immersively take care of...





Carry Weight





...all in one easy solution.


Never mind how convenient it would still be even for regular gaming mode.



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That thing looks ridiculous for a non-magical place such as the wasteland.... and yet I don't think you're that far off-base.


I have a mod similar to this on FNV: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/36372/? though the one I have seems to be a bit more realistic with half as much stuff inside the tent (and doesn't appear to be on the Nexus anymore.)


A tent that size (which some friends of mine have) weighs like 50 or 60 lbs without all the equipment inside of it, and is usually used for car-camping, but if you can carry 20 rocket launchers, we can probably let that slide.


A large-ish tent like this, with it's own interior cell, and at the very least a small stove (the mod I have has one set up inside an old safe) or a smallish campfire with the metal grate/pot type cooking stove that fits over it, maybe a container or two, some sleeping bags, and maybe some smallish objects that can be used as crafting stations, could be pretty lore-friendly. I mean, a chemistry station, like a cooking pot on a fire, doesn't need to be particularly big or heavy. May be able to use something like a "repair kit" for weapons and armor, but a full Armorsmith Workbench in a tent might be ridiculous.


Most tents that are big enough to have a door you don't crawl or hunch over through sleep like 12 people, though it would be less with the containers and crafting stuff, but a couple zippered nylon or canvas walls wouldn't be out of the question, and enough for 2-5 people to sandbox in could also be expected.


If someone wants to make a magical Port-O-Palace with an oak tree in the middle, I can't stop you, but just thought I'd give an opinion on what may fit the game better and skew more towards realism. Also, to point out it's really already been done in FNV.

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It looks like what you've done is pretty similar to what I had in mind (per your statement).


What I was suggesting is a tent you can drop anywhere (in or out of settlements).

Once dropped, you can "Zone" into it (ie, it has a loading screen), because you are entering a different cell.

Inside, you have a container of some kind and a sleeping bag. Maybe a few other odds and ends.


Something in-between Camping Sites and Basement Living.


It seems like the only thing really different is my suggestion that it should be an Interior Cell, but really an Exterior would be more realistic (even if that means no protection from rad storms).


Really, though, this would still solve soooo many issues, especially in Survival Mode.


And I really like that yours includes an Inventory Sorter.


So when will you port it over? Eh? Eh?! :p

Just kidding... mostly.




Really, though - at the very least, thanks for the reply. :)

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