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The Annotated Ways


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A podium upon which the stars expand and the breadth and width of mind, bone, body, idea, and being are formed.

A fiery furnace in which one is smelt or forged in the fires of hardship and pain and sadness, to live and die as all...

The very chest within which all is contained, yet no key can open faster than the soulful or slower than the soulless.

That which defines all, to be their ruination or abrogation from the shattering wounds of time, hardship... entrapment.

It is all, to some. Nothing, to all not of those some. Something, to all. It is breath, air save us.




Painter of a thousand murals and scultptor of the mountain. Place but a strand before it, and a city come forth.

The grindstone of the mind, from the spark of which bring forth firestorms of wonder and amazement constantly.

The oasis of the scholar, tempest of rainwater and roaring waters rush around one and mystify the soul as ideas fly like comets in a night sky before them.

If a single drop of water can cause a flood, so a single thought spark a revolution. Let it heal, let it save, but keep locked away such power, that it not be free!




Eyes, window of soul! Heart, candle by which even the dogs may travel the roads! To see is to bind, to do complete, to live consecrate in action!

Let it be the snake's dance, as fire flash and water burn, that what completes one shall negate another, as so the other does to one! See it is so.

For it saves. Free be the creative mind, not in chains and beaten! Captivated be the innocent heart, for the wonders of the forbidden allure quite!

For it razes. Hidden away be dark ways, left to have none find. Cursed be knowledge rotten, disown the foul mind it made! For see, the dark kills.

It is what is left of us. It is what was taken away. We fought, we fight, and shall still again. For the snakes still burn and choke each other, as we.


Time... Power...


Through ten thousand mirrors does one need to see the simplest things before there eyes. May man have glass in his eyes, so that he may not see what he should not.

We fumble in the dark, but we who find the light find venom of a viper in pose of friend. Who are you, fool? That you take a viper's hand after he shows his fangs! You fool!

You are not to touch what is forbidden! Why then, do you ask the dragons and the snakes the way to safety, that they really lead you to their den to devour your very self!

These things love not, and spit darkness as they breathe fire. Their words are the very poison offered to you as drink! This is nothing but venom and poison, that you call love.




We stand on towers we have built, so we may call out and hope and answer as our crackling voices shatter and ripple the sky. Call a drop, find a flood.

Grey ash and twisted vine and thorn in an endless wasteland. No light, only forever shall you be in dark. Pound and grind you claws, run away, you will never be closer to a drop of hope.

Nothing will be left. Shadows, drifting forever, monsters to be their torturers. Fire, and wheels. Flogging, laughter, crying, hysteria, and madness. To those who have never called, hear.

For one tells you the horrors of death after death, once they tell you to appreciate the wonders of life. For the place I saw, the realm past that of this one, was that realm in worst form.

Ten thousand libraries of ten thousand books could never even begin to describe the worst of the realm after life, and that is why one must fear it with every lone fiber that is in their soul.

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