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Okay, this has gone far enough.


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Why is sex collectively viewed as something dirty? I find it ironic that the OP feels offended by skimpy clothing, but not by mods like Deadly Reflex where people chop eachothers heads off left right center with blood spurts all over the screen. :P


that is because this game has lots of battles,that is to be expected,however nobody plays,or atleast should play a fantasy game for sex. that is retarded. i can see why op does not like this,i do not either. its not enough that the internet is 90% talking about sex but its in video games that have nothing to do with it

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See above image about beating dead horses.


Besides, the whole 'not liking skimpy images but being totally up for epic gore' is by far one of the biggest double standards here. Both garner an R rating when used in films and OTHER games.



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