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FOSE Problem

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adouglas4312 - Hello!


"i go to launch Fallout through FOMM and FOSE it instantly says that it stopped working"


Fallout 3 crashing on startup almost always means you're missing a master file, in other words one of your plugins is missing a file it needs to work.


I don't know what the Clint-M1014 mod is but if you got rid of it did you also get rid of:




As it sounds like it relys on Clint-M1014.


If that's not the cause, open FOMM & left click on the first of your mods, after Fallout3.esm & the DLCs.


At the bottom of FOMM will now be listed it's Masters, the files that mod MUST have in your load order.


For example if you clicked on Apocalypse Armory.esp it would list:



Apocalypse Armory.esm


As it's masters.


Go down each mod (if you start at the first mod you can just press the down cursor key to move through them) & make sure you have all that it needs.


Also, when you run BOSS, it often has comments next to the mods in the page that opens up. Pay attention to any warnings that may give you.


If you still have trouble after that, post your load order on here & I'll take a look.


Hope this helps!



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