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2016-05-12 Patch SDK Changes


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Well-- here's the latest on my MCController and the missing Rank-Icons adventure... they're all back right as they should! :D


I am utterly baffled by this weird code/or/gameplay event.


But, i might have a wicked explanation at least.


My first thought was that a caching process finally triggered on what needed runtime updates... silly me. From instinct, that seemed like the most logical cause.

Yet, i've recalled every step i had been taking since this morning Launch.


-- Trying to reactivate whichever MODs i felt would most likely be compatible as is. So in order to be thorough, ModOptions.INI before AH;


X) ActiveMods=FullCharacterCustomizationFromStart (simply edited the necessary INI line with "Veteran=0"... and finally could unsubscribe)
6) ActiveMods=ConfigurableMissionTimers

6) ActiveMods=FreeCameraRotation

5-- ActiveMods=Upcomingeventsinhours
5-- ActiveMods=MissionTimeRemaining
5-- ActiveMods=DiverseFacepaints

4-- ActiveMods=Morearmorcolors
4-- ActiveMods=Moreskincolors
4-- ActiveMods=NewHairmod

3-- ActiveMods=AmmoandVestSlotsV2 (Check out my custom Ammo+Vest Hud Icons in it :wink: ... first mod to be updated, btw)
2-- ActiveMods=LWS_OfficerPack (was updated by LWS ealier this afternoon)


7) ActiveMods=EvacAll (QoL by TrackTwo)
7) ActiveMods=UpgradeReminder (QoL by TT)

7) ActiveMods=BlackmarketUsage (QoL.. informed decisions when you Buy/Sell)

7) ActiveMods=MoreSquadSizeUpgrades (5-6.. then, 7-8 with this for a balanced cost .. or Toolbox's 12 .. you do the maths) :ninja:

** Not sure yet if IT is completely validated though because it touches some UISquadSelect functions which AH altered since that mod was created in February.


8 ) ActiveMods=LifetimeStats (Works perfectly fine as is)

8 ) ActiveMods=AdvancedBallisticsandMaterials (essential for #3 above... yet, it doesn't apply the intended upgrade variety of multiple Ammos or Vests.)

0... ) ActiveMods=Uniforms (THE mod!!) Still not updated... may take awhile before i even risk.

8 ) ActiveMods=LWS_AlienPack (Ok! Three new Rulers or a single Muton Centurion - i just dunno if i will re-install that one)

8 ) ActiveMods=LWS_SMGPack (Ok! Have yet to use any.. might not re-install again)


9 ) ActiveMods=SWRHiddenPotential (Just updated this morning by its author, seems to be okay)

9 ) ActiveMods=SWRNotCreatedEqual ( " " " )

9 ) ActiveMods=CostBasedAbilityColors (Works, but there's been recent reports another mod "Perfect Information" somehow breaks it)

9 ) ActiveMods=ShowMeTheSkills (ABSOLUTE must , AFAIC) What a relief.. this one is validated!!
9 ) ActiveMods=ShowMeThePersonel (Another essential QoL) That too!!! I can now safely use my custom darkened background for UI clarity.


10) ActiveMods=CapnbubsAccessoriesPack (Graphics array heavy burden but it's soooo cool.. even if NOW i absolutely love the newest AH_elmets)

10) ActiveMods=ProgressiveArmorOptions (Kevlar is slightly more persistent -- just as much as i wish for)
10) ActiveMods=ProgressiveArmorResistanceOptions (That much variety is sooo cool to have when creating special Characters)

10) ActiveMods=ProgressiveArmorLessAnarchy (Bare skins of anything -- that's plain silly IMO)

11) ActiveMods=MrKXCom1Stuffs (Solid porting of every EU/EW Kelmets.. Just saw a video about his Tier_2+3 Armors.. might as well install these in too)

11) ActiveMods=CovertOpsArmor (Nice gameplay touch of alternate Armor conditions that reminds of FiLP & Shaoji Zhang from EU)
11) ActiveMods=DarthMaulMod (One single Face paint and you're in Star Wars territory)

----In the XCom2\Mods folder----

X) ActiveMods=AllArmorOptions (Zero-Trick by wGhost.. It's some trailing old stuff kept there for posterity about my early days silly choices!)
1-- ActiveMods=qUIck_FLG
1-- ActiveMods=qUIck_FP2
1-- ActiveMods=qUIck_FP3
1-- ActiveMods=qUIck_FP4
1-- ActiveMods=qUIck_FP5
1-- ActiveMods=qUIck_RCP



With the exact order of the current activation steps taken so far.

Smooth, no bad gameplay effects .. #1 to #9 seem to be fine. (...) remains, but they can wait until they are verified by their authors.


Secondly, as i was perusing the Workshop posts, i came upon a comment that mentionned how deleting all "+ModClassOverrides=" entries from XComEngine.INI had solved some compatibility problems for that person.


And i believe this is probably what re-activated the RCP process;

Among about 12 lines, this wacky instruction was there too...

ModClassOverrides=(BaseGameClass="UIMCController", ModClass="UIMCController_qUIckRG4")


I think that's what gave me back my colored Icons.


Yppie! :wink:


PS; I will keep adding each of the above remaining Mods (#) until i can confirm they actually work as is or that they have been updated "correctly".


PS-Last; Took awhile to verify everything but the only pending Mod is "Uniforms Manager" as of 26/05. Two full weeks of risky testing.

Edited by Zyxpsilon
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Filtered logs don't always work unless you unsuppress them first via a command call. I personally gave up on trying to get filtered logs working, but if someone has a working example of a new filtered log I'd love to actually be able to use one.


But that's half besides the point anyways. I'm worried that there is issues with the vanilla version cause of all the log messages.


(Edit: Spelling and grammar sucks. I'm in the middle of playing Rocket League. Sorry.)

Edited by abeclancy
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There's "Unequip all weapons" code in place now, so no mods are necessary to remove weapons from soldiers. Considering that basically all mods are broken right now, these mods will probably be removing their unequip buttons soon. There's also unequip buttons in the individual soldier screens, so you can do this without being on the squad loadout/selection screen.

Sadly they've implemented something similar to the first version of Strip Weapons mod and the button simply equips default weapons to all soldiers. So, I won't be taking down my mod, because latest version removes only actually upgraded weapons and leaves customized but not upgraded weapons in place. But I will update it to use native button instead of adding new one.


Also, it looks like ini files are no longer merged, hence the problem with old ini under My Douments containing ModClassOverrides entries. In case of any update it's best to just delete all your ini files and let the game to rebuild them from scratch.

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Hey wGhost81,


Small question about FreeCamera.. Is it "still" possible to adapt the Zoom-In/Out component with some pure (value) steps via the normal Key-Bindings (T/G)?


I've been trying to edit the current Interpolation configs (below) and the actual ingame results aren't matched with the "Pseudo-Degrees" system used by Rotation.


XComCamera.ini ...



XComTacticalInput.ini ...



Presently, I just click your Ctrl-F2 trick to activate Analog-Mode and i certainly get an approximative Zoom stepping process... but (IIRC), you already mentionned to me that XC2 handles these Camera instructions differently that XC1. If the latest patch hasn't offered us new "code functions" to adapt the Zoom(s), i guess we must stick with the Interpolations system, right?

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The dev team has given a short list of the changes here:




If possible, let's keep the discussion on this nexus thread, which is easier to read and search.


In related news, there is a key change for bInfiniteItem (now defaults to false) described here:



Edited by davidlallen
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Zyxpsilon, I don't want to hijack this topic :smile:, so, please, create another one or ask through PM/Steam. Short answer is: rotation angles are actual angles (per second), but they are restricted by interpolation speed. So if you want to change rotation speed, you need to change both CAMERA_ROTATION_SPEED and interpolation speed. Same goes for zoom in/out speed. Also, the mod uses exponential smoothing to calculate per second values for both rotation and zoom, so it will look like "stepping" for the first few seconds, but will rotate/zoom smoothly after all the values stabilize.

Edited by wghost81
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Enough of a clear answer for me (seems RampUp fiddling might be worth another try), wGhost!


Sorry (again) for getting OT... but i really thought some UC changes might have been rolled-in into AH that would affect any Camera (indirect) settings. Thus, it just felt like wGhost should be the right person to ask for some precisions -- if she had (already) explored the relevant script files - that is. :)

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Making a zipfile of all the ini and uc files before the patch is a good idea. Many people did that locally. I am pretty sure it is not legal to post that zipfile, since it amounts to a significant chunk of intellectual property. It may be a good idea to make a zipfile of these files now, against the *next* patch.


EDIT: perhaps this guy's bug is your feature?



Edited by davidlallen
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That's what I ended up doing, but the problem with that of course is that it's release code, not previous patch. But better than nothing I suppose. :smile:


I'm not so sure that it's that much of a problem IP wise, there already is tons of mods released upon the "default" mod structure with all the source code with them because they didn't remove them.


Edit: Not that I recommend anyone to upload a full code, but I do think that differences probably are not an issue.

Edited by Mythrell
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