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Sand Box Workshop.


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Hey everyone, Really surprised no one has asked for this yet, but with the geck/creation kit being out, why hasn't anyone made a simple large flat area for people to build in? maybe a room you build in a normal settlement such as a basement mod or the build your own vault mod, some kind of hologram room where you can build freely and openly. with buttons or something that change the ground texture skybox, lighting, ext, I'm willing to help make the mod really it doesn't seem to be all that hard of one to make.


but over all I'm still fairly new to the geck itself as you might see I have no mods posted, and have only worked with the fallout 3 geck a while back making a simple player home I never uploaded.


Simply throwing the idea out there as it seems no one else has.




p.s. Sorry if someone has already posted something similar i looked couldn't find anything.

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