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Script to trigger disposition change


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Im making a mod where theres a dark and werid city and theres this assassin who tracks down the player and when close enough to detect him, pulls out his bow and starts shooting down the player. The problem im having is that despite the ai package telling him to only look for the player ref in a certain cell the assassin will come and kill the player if they sleep for too long any where in tamriel. So im wondering how I could go about making a script that would trigger a disposition change, that way instead of having to make the assassin search for the player, the assassin could already be in the cell some where and act like the rest of the npcs until something is triggered and sets the player disposition to -100 so that well he is out wandering and stumbles upon the player he will attack. Or if theres a better idea that would be neat as well. I just need something to keep him from hunting the player down before the player has even started the quest and knows whats going on. Thanks for the help.
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So basically you want the assassin to be friendly towards the player until a specific quest stage or event occurs, right? If so, then do "assassin.ModDisposition Player -100" in the script at the point you want the assassin to become aggressive.



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Just create a faction that hates the player and add it to the assassain.


Alternatively set his combat to defaultPCRejectYield, and when you want him to attack the player use the command assassainref.startcombat player.

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