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Yet Another Question

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Very sorry incase im being an annoying twit that is always asking questions because trust me... I'm not trying to be! (inside voice: Orly?) Anyway.... So i've set up a new starting area for the player... But the problem is... My npc's always seem to dissapear.... Can anyone help with this? (Note I that when i fast traveled to IC all the guards and citizens and such were still there... JUst my npcs...
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I'm gonna have a wild guess here and say you forgot pathgridding...


Seeing as if you don't have a pathgrid in your new place, upon load (of the cell), they will try to teleport to the nearest pathgrid.


If there is no pathgrid in the current cell, they will stay put. So I'm gonna have another wild guess here and say you reused another interior cell.


Am I right :psyduck: ?

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