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Removing XP from Combat


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Is it possible for a mod to remove experience gains from killing enemies while leaving everything else (dialogue checks, lockpicking, combat and quest related perks) intact? I've done some searching but can't find anything quite like this. Any thoughts?
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Idk if there is a mod that disable at all or a console command but you can use this instead

Slow Learner Trait

All the mods that I've come across are similar to that. I want something that removes XP from killing enemies while leaving other gains alone. If you've played Vampire: Bloodlines you get experience points from completing objectives and not from killing things. I've done a no-kill pacifist run of the vanilla game and there is more than enough XP to hit max level before end game solely through dialogue checks, lockpicking, and hacking. A mod that removed XP from combat would also make Perks like Fast Learner worthwhile since XP gains are harder to come by.

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