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Has anyone ever played all the way through with full load order?


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I have done a couple of playthroughs with a high number of mods on each occasion ( at least 200 mods ) and at the moment i have just over 245 including quite a few mods from LL. I have always had some sort of problem crop up every now and then but nothing that has ever broken my game or the DLC and nothing i haven't been able to fix by searching online or using the console commands and to be honest problems are to be expected when you have that many mods.


I would suggest you try and do what i do and leave as many of the quest and new lands mods as possible deactivated and only activate them when you are ready to play them.


Also remember to save your game a lot and don't be afraid to have 30 40 even 50 saves going back tens even hundreds of hours just in case.

I use this mod for my saves

AutoSave manager



One other thing i would like to point out is that i don't clean or do anything to the mods i have at all and in my opinion it is completely unnecessary and it has not stopped me putting over 1000 hours in to a single playthrough.

LL mods run so many scrips in addition to the scrips run by useful (non fap) mods, that all will be working well for a while, then the save games gets messed up.


Doing all that odd stuff just messes it up, at 300 mods, many overhauls and modded dlcs ,stuff like that.


Yes, you have to keep starting over. Even with tesedit, loot, behavioral generator, enb, and texture optimizer..its always just one more mod, and one more, when you get it right. Let me tweek this and ah, its messed up again.


Another thing, most of these ll adult story makers have bad taste in writing. Bad rp. they don't understand about being subtle or erotic anticipation, uniqueness and tension.


Its also hard to play skyrim if you mainly just spend most of your time working hard on uping your one-handed skill, then making it legendary.


How could you concentrate on much else? Hard enough with the modding.


The ll story mods, make most of the npcs skanks like on a old adult movie, which is really boring and unrealistic. Simple minds.


They must think the dragonborn is like a mad pokemon collector running around skyrim with his pants down and his pokeballs hanging out....only with women...instead of got to catch them all, its got to s....anyway you get the idea.


Also like bender said in the breakfast club to molly ringwald's character: My image of you is totally blown, and you lose respect for the characters. You cant take there lore stories seriously anymore.


Your like, take better care of yourself lady. That is not very hot is it? Just mildly distasteful and boring. Also on the whole, not very believable.

Edited by skyquest32
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Skyquest, I do indeed start a new save everytime. Also, the load order I posted in the OP does include LL mods, but the game was tested before even one single LL mod was added and had the same problem with the DLC's. LL mods are always last for me as they are not necessary for good gameplay. They add a fun element to the game, but it's secondary to everything else.

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" Its also hard to play skyrim if you mainly just spend most of your time working hard on uping your one-handed skill, then making it legendary."


That was the most epic thing I read here...Blew coffee through my nostrils....It must be quoted.

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