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Trying to download some files, but the download never starts


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I'm trying to download the NMC's texture pack for Fallout 3. The specific one that I'm trying to download is the Performance NMCs Texture Pack part1. When I click on it, the box pops open and shows the video ad, and then it shows the various mirrors, and then whenever I click on any of the mirrors, it says


"Downloading file

Your file is being prepared for download ...


If you do not receive an error, and the page continues to load, please be patient. Your file is being transferred to this server for downloading.


Download not starting? Please enable javascript and HTTP redirects in your browser and insure you aren't running any plugins that might stop these from loading (Adblockers, NoScript, etc.).


Don't know what to do with ZIP, RAR or 7z files after you've downloaded them? Check out our article on file compression basics and what programs to use."



However, the file never actually starts downloading. I'm on Windows 7 64-bit, and I'm using Firefox 5.0 . It says to enable javascript and HTTP redirects, but I'm not sure how to actually do that. I can't find anything about that in the Firefox options. Any suggestions?

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When you download a file, you will be redirected to another side, and Firefox normaly blocks that.

Firefox will say at the top of the window something like: "Firefox had these website blocked from automaticly be redirected to another website" and there should be a button on the upper right edge of the window wich says "Allow".

Press the button and the download will start.


PS: I use the german version so the text is my translation


I hope this helps.

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