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horrible night at work


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ok so for starters, all night i was on fried dough. never on pizza or ovens. at midnight, fried dough closes and Dan (the head manager) sends me to start cleaning out back. from midnight-12:50 im out back. i have nothing to do with out front. he tells me to pop up front to give Dylan a hand. around 1:00 is when the drunk rush starts and we get slammed. so we try to get ahead by like 3 or 4 pizzas (3-4 cheese, 3-4 pep) so at 12:50 we had maybe 2 of each. now. we have two ovens, each can hold 5 pizzas (10 total) we had both ovens on all day obviously, it was mad busy. but when i pop up at 12:50 we had 3 pizzas in the oven already for jumbo orders. meaning i can only fit 2 in there (1 of each, cheese/pep) which i do. by the time those 3 jumbos go out, we had 1 of each left, plus the one of each that i threw in, so we are a bit behind. i notice the bottom oven was turned off (idk f***ing why and that was the whole issue, not my problem cause i was never up front) so once those 3 jumbos come out, i throw 1 more of each in (now have 2 of each in the oven) the bottom oven was JUST turned on, so i didnt have anything down there cause it wasnt hott. i took out the two pizzas i had put in so i now have just one of each in when dan comes up looks in the oven and FLIPS the f*** out. "why arent you ahead its 1:00" i tell him how the ovens were full ive stuffed it with slice pies, those JUST came out and i hadnt put any in, i was just pulling the others out. "what about the bottom oven" im like idfk. it wasnt on. i JUST turned it on. but i dont think he cared. he flips on me, calls me a fat lazy f*** and sends me to help the fry guy out. the WHOLE time i can hear him bitching. "whole f***ing drunk rush wasted" "doesnt even get ready for drunk rush lazy f***" etc. around 1:10 he yells over to the fry guy "hey look at my line. see that? (it was out to the road) thats cause of that lazy f*** over there leaving us with nothing" finally about 5 minutes later he sees me getting something for the fry guy and is just like "ian clock out and get the f*** outta here" im just like "yup" lol. so i was up front for 10 minutes (just for the record it takes 10 minutes for a pizza to cook) so im up there long enough for one pizza to cook. and because they were behind i got blamed. the reason they were left with s*** was because someone decided to turn off the bottom oven. because no one stocked up a little before 1:00. as i said i was out back the whole time it had nothing to do with me, but i still got the s*** for it.


on a separate subject, Dan has never really liked me. he finds whatever he can to make fun of me, call me a douche, etc. so this is just icing on the cake for him. i work with him again tomorrow. hes just gunna make my life hell. make fun of me to customers like he always does, etc. fml

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That's low wage jobs for you... If you aren't being yelled at, you're being fired.


I wouldn't let it get to you. Some bosses are just like that when they're under pressure. They don't care who does what, it's the fault of the first person around who isn't doing something they like. Think of it as a form of hazing, if you stick with it and pull your head out of your ass (from their point of view), it eventually stops and they find someone else to grind into.

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well its my second year there. im technically a manager now, not on the same level as him, im more of a "crew leader". i dont deal with food orders and s***, or work early mornings, but i can be on a shift without another manager and i do the paper work and count the money and s***.


and i make $12 an hour, so its not such low wage


anywho, yea, just a douchy night, and i had to vent so i typed it here.

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Well my bro has a job like that, but if he ever gets yelled at that way his boss suprises him and apolagizes for his crappy behavior at the end of the shift :teehee:


jackle and hide lol

Edited by Thor.
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Sorry man, but I think everybody has horror story's like that. We've all gone through it. It's the dues you pay to get where you can actually make money that comes closer to paying your bills. I was a dishwasher at several places in Kansas City, that made me realize that just because it was classy on the outside, doesn't necessarily mean it's a class business.


I've seen my fare share of high profile restaurants being closed down by the health dept.

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Haha, reminds me a bit of a job I had many years ago before joining the army.


Was working at a calling center, the ones nagging people about buying s*** so that they can feed people in Africa, save the drugs, end animal rights etc... Ya get the drill lol.


Me and my bro worked there and we even said we were brothers, but as brothers most do, we tend to "fight" a bit. And the boss, he was "playing on the wrong team" and he though we weren't brothers, but gay as him.


So we got really special treatment, even had little nothing work at all. But then a day, the girlfriend of my brother came to visit us at work, WITH the kid they had. It did not help that me and a girl made out outside of that building too. So, to keep a story short, we got treated bad afterwards! :P

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Hear ya... Bosses can be some true pricks, especially as mentioned above, in a low-status/low-salary job. Main reason is that the only people that want's to be a boss, but is too much psycho to become a boss in a "real" business, becomes a boss of something like this.
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That's low wage jobs for you... If you aren't being yelled at, you're being fired.


I wouldn't let it get to you. Some bosses are just like that when they're under pressure. They don't care who does what, it's the fault of the first person around who isn't doing something they like. Think of it as a form of hazing, if you stick with it and pull your head out of your ass (from their point of view), it eventually stops and they find someone else to grind into.


Well said and so true Vagrant. My daughter works for the local skating rink part time since she's in school. They are starting to rub her nerves big time. Same type of petty gritching from "managers" that are a few of them, younger than she is. They don't treat her like that though, meaning the verbal abuse, cause that's what it is. NObody should have to be talked to like a dog! I'd have a BIG issue with that, but ANYwho.


When she comes home and complains, I remind her that this is one reason to stay on course in school so she can go to medical school like she wants. When you have these bitter, old heads in a no advancement career or a low paying job, they sometimes act like tyrants and take out all their shattered career dreams on the help.


Shine it on, but don't let him treat you like s*** either dude!

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