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Script not working


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Hey everyone, I seem to be having a problem getting a script to properly work, (most likely due to the fact I am attempting something I haven't before) and what I want that script to do is you enter the atrium from another section of the vault and there is this hallway you must pass through to get through the rest of the atrium, in which you will be forced to stop a short ways and an explosion will trigger, a black ImageSpaceModifier will be applied to simulate the player passing out, and then you will wake up in another part of the Atrium, trouble is, I can't seem to get the script to run in that sequence. The first attempt was just disastrous and the second attempt I almost had it, the Player Controls get disabled, but the explosion no longer triggers.


Here is the Script:




Scn Vault45AtriumHallExplosionScript


Float Timer


Begin OnTriggerEnter Player



DisablePlayerControls 1 1 1 1 0 1 1




Begin GameMode


Set Timer to Timer + GetSecondsPassed

if (Timer >= 15)

CM01Ref.enable ;CM is a collision Marker


if (Timer >= 20)

V45AtriumHallExplosionRef.PlaceAtMe V45AtriumExplosion

if (Timer >= 21)

ApplyImageSpaceModifier V45FadeToBlackISFX

PlayerRef.MoveTo V45AtriumAfterExplosionRef









Any ideas on how to get this working? Thanks in advance :)

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Commander19 - Hello!


I'm sorry, I've only ever edited scripts & made very basic tweaks.


There is an informative guide here:




& of course the GECK guide on scripting:




& maybe you could post the question in Fallout Mod Talk:




There may be someone there with more knowledge on scripting.


Sorry I couldn't be of more help!



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