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Flickering objects in AA and MHO

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I recently got The Apocalypse Armoury and Megaton House Overhaul up and running and most stuff is running fine and dandy but my problem is objects which flicker between textures. This includes stuff like the chairs in my upgraded megaton house and weapons in Apocalypse Armoury. In addition there is no icon for any of the new weapons in Apocalypse Armoury. Any help which could be given would be immensely appreciated and if there is already a thread going which deals with this problem it would be grand if I could be directed toward it :)
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I recently got The Apocalypse Armoury and Megaton House Overhaul up and running and most stuff is running fine and dandy but my problem is objects which flicker between textures. This includes stuff like the chairs in my upgraded megaton house and weapons in Apocalypse Armoury. In addition there is no icon for any of the new weapons in Apocalypse Armoury. Any help which could be given would be immensely appreciated and if there is already a thread going which deals with this problem it would be grand if I could be directed toward it :)


Did you install AA and MHO using FOMM? Furthermore, do you have Archiveinvalidation toggled on? If that doesn't work you could always manually install the mod, just make sure you keep track of the files that the mod uses otherwise it will be very annoying to have to uninstall them.

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Yes I have FOMM and yes I have Archiveinvalidation toggled on. If it helps I installed it by first using FOMM to add in the mod for me but then that meant that objects went missing and the notorious red and white exclamation mark turned up so I manually dropped the meshes and textures into Data in my FO3 GOTY folder and said yes to all the overwriting stuff and made sure it was all turned on and then went into the game to check the mods out and the textures on some of the objects started playing up.


I apologize for my vagueness but I'm not quite sure how to explain this better. I hope that you can decipher some of this.

Edited by CliffordConan
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CliffordConan - Hello!


The exclamation marks mean missing meshes, most likely cause by not placing the files correctly (or see the "padlock" issue below if you use Vista or Win7).


"objects which flicker between textures. This includes stuff like the chairs in my upgraded megaton house and weapons in Apocalypse Armoury. In addition there is no icon for any of the new weapons in Apocalypse Armoury. "


This sounds like a classic Archive invalidation issue.


Toggle Archive invalidation off then back on again in FOMM, sometimes that's all it takes.


If this does not help, check your


Fallout 3\Data\Textures


In there should be a folder called:




& it should be about 952 MB (998,609,974 bytes) in size.


If it's not that big, you are missing something!


Apocalypse Armoury has very detailed installation instructions here:




Also, if you are using Vista or Win7, make sure that the files & folders in:


Fallout 3\Data\


Don't have any padlock symbols on them.


If they do have padlocks, drag the affected files/folders onto your desktop & move them back again.


Hope this helps!



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