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Full-Auto Weapon Iron Sights Bug


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When using any weapon with the Animation Type "Rifle - Automatic (2 Hand)", such as the Light Machine Gun, Automatic Rifle(from DM), 5mm Carbine, etc., when aiming down the sights in 1st person and firing the whole weapon seems to jump down so that the weapons iron sights are below the actual aim point. When I stop firing it returns to normal.


Only weapons with the above mentioned animation type do this.


Both a modded game and vanilla have this bug. I've tested with MO. New Vegas is a Steam copy, so its fully up to date.

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You might find this mod helpful.


I'm of the "one shot, one kill" school myself, so I haven't tried using a full auto weapon in game. But they are notoriously hard to aim in full auto mode due to the sustained recoil, which is why it is called "spray and pray mode" in the military. IRL the barrel tends to "climb", which is why you are taught to fire in 3-5 shot bursts starting with a low aim point, to regain control without wasting too much ammo (even with a pintle mount). There is also a problem with the barrel overheating. Perhaps the designers had their reasons for having the barrel descend, but it looks like the intent is the same: to force you to let up on the trigger and re-aim to make it more "realistic". (It is easier to re-acquire the target when you bring the barrel "up" instead of "down".)



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I found that after I posted here. It does fix the stupid jump.


One of the weapon packs I have adds a H&K G3SG/1 which can be modded with a scope, and using JIP Select Fire I've set it to be single shot. The main problem before was when you fire it starts the full-auto attack loop and screws up aiming through the scope. But the mod above stops that from happening.

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