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Skin glow maps don't work


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I made custom textures for Altmer, but somehow I failed and my High Elves came out looking like invisible bodied gremlins. I am positive the glow map was done right, named the same as the skin files with the _g suffix and everything. Can anyone help me figure out the problem? :(



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A few ideas from personal experience:


What exactly are you using the glow map for? A normal map will usually work fine for shininess.


Is your texture file "flat"? If you use a graphic program that has Layers, if you press save it will often just save the selected layers (at least, I've noticed that GIMP does this for dds files). You may have saved an empty layer.


Is your file the correct dimensions? From what I can tell, the body's skin texture should be in a multiple of 1024x1024.


Where did you place the skin's files? Are you using a custom race or writing over the High Elf from vanilla Oblivion?


Did you set your High Elves to use the textures under Body Data?


Edit: After some quick research, apparently glow maps in fact do not work for skin textures due to the way Oblivion handles the emissive light of them. Instead, they cause transparency.

Edited by rinoaff33
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