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Unable to change faction relation in Order of the Dragon EV


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I'm currently playing Order of the Dragon English version and I would like to set all the spiders friendly to my character. I the past I have used the console to set the faction rank for undead to 0 and it worked, but it won't work for this mod. I used TESedit and set the relation to PC from -100 to 100 and removed the hidden from player and evil flags but it still won't work. What am I missing?

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Do the spiders there have other factions listed on them? If so, did you check those factions for any hostile thingies, as well? Or could the spiders have been scripted to be hostile? Also, the "hidden from player" toggle only manages whether the thing appears in player's journal. See here: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php?title=Category:Factions


I have not played that mod at all myself, so I have no idea what spiders they are, or how they have been done. :blush: Good luck with your hunt for the cause, though.

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I never thought of other faction relations. Do you mean that if the spiders are friendly to another faction that is hostile to my PC than they, by association, are hostile to me?

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Umm... no. I am not that well-versed in faction stuff, but I do not think what you said should even be possible, that being friendly to one faction could cause hostility towards another. Sounds odd, and I do not think that is the case. I mainly meant these possibilities (as in, maybe something like that, in no specific order, just listing them here as ideas):

  • the spiders have a script that makes them aggressive towards player
  • the spiders have a high aggression (I have noticed this can cause overall hostility, at least combined with low disposition or something like that)
  • there is another faction, a non-vanilla one, that the spiders are members of, that is aggressive towards a faction the player is a member of

Maybe those could be worth checking. Just something that popped in mind.

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