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Alchemy use


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I seriously fail at using Alchemy, I very rarely find use for it, since I don't use poisons, given that they wear off after 1 strike of a weapon (and you can't use them to poison food or anything, that rather sucks), and restore health/fatigue/magicka potions are very easy to find across the Oblivion world so I don't need to make them. And if I'm a magic character I don't need health/fatigue potions any way, since I can use magic to heal myself.


Has anyone found good ways to make use of Alchemy? What are good ways to make us of potions? I kinda hate that I fail on it, since I like to play as a Wood Elf and their alchemy bonus doesn't get used.

Edited by Lehcar
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Any strategies? How do you exploit for money? :(


1) Join the Mages Guild. Fighters too for that matter.

2) Rifle through their supply of food--excuse me, alchemical ingredients. Grab it all.

3) Purchase the most basic alchemy equipment. Make the cheapest potions you can with two ingredients.


Note that you can have a 1 in Alchemy, and never fail at making potions. In Morrowind, your Alchemy level was prime statistics in determining success. Early on, you stunk.


4) Sell potions to all the Mage guild alchemists, especially those that are of the same race as your character, since that will affect the amount you can sell for, and the price you pay. Rifle them and the Fighters for more ingredients. Buy very cheap ingredients.


5) Repeat step 4 a lot. Your Alchemy level will rise quickly. When you hit 25, 50, 75, and 100, you'll notice several things:


You get a lot more money for your potions.

Your potions are more powerful.

You can make potions with more ingredients. Or fewer: at 100, you only need 1 ingredient to prep a potion.


At some point, you'll find it very cheap to buy better equipment, and up the number from 2 pieces to 4. You'll also discover the joys of making potions for yourself, since you buy even moderately expensive equipment without worrying about price. Invisibility? Potions that repair health, magicka, and fatigue, all at once?


You'll quickly find just how economy-breaking alchemy is, especially when combined with instant travel. I deliberately set limits on my alchemist character: no instant travel, so no easy sale of hundreds of potions in one day. Also, making potions is limited to just a few days in a month, save for potions required for personal use. But if you don't care, you can spam sell the system and end up with more gold than you'd know what to do with even with a dozen new shop mods to absorb your cash.

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