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Vit-o-matic and Intense Training


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Hi all. New guy to modding here but am in school for Game Programming, so have a decent handle on general syntax and what not.


Anywho, just got a mod that comes with an Auto-doc, and one of the message options is to open the Vit-o-matic machine to re-allocate points in SPECIAL. Problem is it sends in the integer 40 as the parameter, which doesn't account for the player spending points in Intense Training at a higher level. Ended up subtracting 10 points from my overall point base before I could accept the changes and exit the machine, thus nullifying the bonuses from Intense Training. Here's the code I've got so far:


Scn AAAAutoDocScript

Short Button
Short DoOnce
Short DoArmor
Float Timer2
Float Timer3

Short PATCheck
Float Timer
Float ArmorHealth
Float ArmorCond
Float HelmetHealth
Float HelmetCond
Short MakeArmor
Float MakeTimer

;Used for re-arranging SPECIAL when player has ranks in Intense Training
Int iSpecialTotal

Begin OnActivate

If AAAReactor == 0
ShowMessage AAAReactorNoPower
ShowMessage AAAAutoDocStartMsg01
Set DoOnce to 1


Begin GameMode

If DoOnce == 1
Set Button to GetButtonPressed
If Button == -1
ElseIf Button == 0	; Leave It Alone
	Set DoOnce to 0
ElseIf Button == 1
	Set DoOnce to 0
ElseIf Button == 2
	Set DoOnce to 0
ElseIf Button == 3
	Set DoOnce to 2
Elseif Button == 4
	Set iSpecialTotal to Player.GetPermAV Strength							;The problem is in here somewhere I believe...
	Set iSpecialTotal to iSpecialTotal + Player.GetPermAV Perception
	Set iSpecialTotal to iSpecialTotal + Player.GetPermAV Endurance
	Set iSpecialTotal to iSpecialTotal + Player.GetPermAV Charisma
	Set iSpecialTotal to iSpecialTotal + Player.GetPermAV Intelligence
	Set iSpecialTotal to iSpecialTotal + Player.GetPermAV Agility
	Set iSpecialTotal to iSpecialTotal + Player.GetPermAV Luck
	ShowLoveTesterMenuParams iSpecialTotal
	set DoOnce to 0
ElseIf Button == 5
	AAASortActivatorChemsREF.activate player 1
	Set DoOnce to 0
ElseIf Button == 6
	ShowMessage ZZTeslaArmorStartMsg
	Set DoOnce to 0
	Set DoArmor to 1
ElseIf Button == 7
	Player.AddItemHealthPercent ArmorRemnantsTesla 1 ArmorCond
	Player.AddItemHealthPercent ArmorRemnantsTeslaHelm 1 HelmetCond
	Set MakeArmor to 0


I try to save the script but it doesn't seem to care, and when I try to close the script window it keeps asking if I want to save the script. I hit yes, then goes back to the window. Dumb. According to others it's because Bethesda got rid of error throwing in the NV Geck and won't save a broken script, but also won't tell you what's wrong with it to begin with? :wallbash:


Any help is appreciated. I'd love to start helping others with mods but need to get a grasp on the Geck's basic functions before I can move on. :( Thanks

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Tuna is correct, the HasPerk function will return as an integer the perk rank (not sure if it starts at 0 or 1, you'll need to check that). Otherwise it'll return the value in rank form (1, 2, 3, etc).
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Tuna is correct, the HasPerk function will return as an integer the perk rank (not sure if it starts at 0 or 1, you'll need to check that). Otherwise it'll return the value in rank form (1, 2, 3, etc).

0 = no perk

>1 = perk ranks

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