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Breath Training


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Hey all, I've been thinking about the underwater scenes in Oblivion and I figured that it's all a bit simple, and would be better if you could get "Breathing Training".


So for example a character with X endurance would start off the game with Y seconds of air or breath available when diving.

This could be trained up via diving over and over, with increases in endurance modifying your potential but practice being the key 'trainer'.

I'd like to see the overall effect as one where a level 1, low endurance, no training PC can barely get to the bottom of the lakes around the IC, before being forced to surface.

Then later level characters would be able to go up to 5 mins or so.

I know there's some parts in quests where the dungeons are layed out so that in an underwater sequence you'd just make it to the air, but IMHO that's just tough luck if you've never been for a swim before.


Should be simple to make, no? Anyhow, cheers for reading.

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