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Saving and crashing in Survival mode


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So here's the situation: For a lot of people, saving in beds checkpoint style was a great addition to survival mode because the tension it creates is something tangibly felt by the player. It's not a contrived simulation of tension within the game, but rather, as a player, you REALLY FEEL an ever present incentive to be cautious because you don't want to die before finding a checkpoint. Lot's of us really liked this feature even if it was, from a role-playing perspective, nonsensical.

However, a great many of us also suffer from loading screen crashes and other instability issues where not being able to quick save has led to a LOT of frustration. Mods have, of course, come out to address this and now I have a mod that let's me quick save whenever I want. Which is a great security as my particular brand of crash happens enough that I'm glad I now can save when I want to. However, the game just doesn't feel as dangerous and tension-filled now that I can quick save whenever I want and the Adrenalin bonus I get now from killing enemies is transformed into a cheat. Without the save only on sleep feature, the fights aren't nearly as scary. Bummer.

How about a mod that gives the player the option to save at any piece of furniture one can sit on? You sit down to take a quick breather and catch your breath. Which, like sleeping, would reset the Adrenalin meter too. This way, if we simply have more checkpoints in the world to save at, maybe it would be a nice compromise between saving at any time and saving only at beds? Or, how about a mod that automatically saves the game whenever you trigger a loading screen? What's the best solution?

Edited by CalibanX
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