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Nuka Gear Missing Magazines


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From what I understand, the Nuka Gear mod requires one to find magazines in specific locations before being able to craft a given Nuka Gear item.

I've gone specifically to one dept. store locale to the exact spot where a Nuka Mag should be. Nothing.


LOOT indicates no conflicts with the Eli_NukaStuff file. And that"s the extent of my LOOT/NMM troubleshooting skills.


Any obvious things I've overlooked?



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From what I understand, the Nuka Gear mod requires one to find magazines in specific locations before being able to craft a given Nuka Gear item.

I've gone specifically to one dept. store locale to the exact spot where a Nuka Mag should be. Nothing.


LOOT indicates no conflicts with the Eli_NukaStuff file. And that"s the extent of my LOOT/NMM troubleshooting skills.


Any obvious things I've overlooked?



I had the similar issue until I realized that I need to install a "Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR)" -Framework. You can find it in here:



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